Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Createdsort ascending
Apache stops logging hits Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 5 months arjones85 14 years 5 months
Getting rid of webmin tab in Virtualmin - enhance this Active Normal Feature request 5 14 years 5 months sfatula 14 years 5 months
System response Very slow Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 5 months mtahir04july 14 years 5 months
PHP, mod_fcgid: read data timeout Active Normal Support request 9 14 years 5 months mcrespo 14 years 5 months
Change to how CronJobs for Log Rotations are managed. Active Normal Feature request 1 14 years 6 months Daworm 14 years 6 months
Distribute.IT plugin for Domain Registrar Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 6 months Daworm 14 years 6 months
ftp access for reseller? Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 6 months 14 years 6 months
clamdscan repo issue Active Normal Bug report 2 14 years 6 months sgrayban 14 years 6 months
Server backup hangs 18 hours to complete, waiting for a user disk quota to be compliant + many lost warning opportunities Active Normal Bug report 6 14 years 6 months beat 14 years 6 months
A new feature that makes the remote API much more meaningful Active Normal Feature request 7 14 years 3 months qianyang 14 years 6 months
Tomcat plugin for Virtualmin Active Normal Feature request 3 14 years 6 months joachimb 14 years 6 months
Backup failed : Missing or invalid absolute local file Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 6 months martynw 14 years 6 months
mysqli install and configure Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 7 months mtahir04july 14 years 6 months
missing web options setting Active Normal Bug report 11 14 years 6 months sgrayban 14 years 6 months
Newly install server, can't login after 2 days Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 6 months arjones85 14 years 6 months
vtiger upgrade script installer Active Normal Feature request 2 14 years 6 months rrhode 14 years 6 months
Slowness Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 5 months guidolci 14 years 6 months
Use externaldns server as slave Active Normal Support request 12 14 years 6 months mlkoekenberg 14 years 6 months
Remove data from all email accounts Active Normal Support request 4 14 years 6 months mtahir04july 14 years 6 months
Whole server winded down due at begin to taking 1.5 GIGAbytes real RAM ??! Active Normal Bug report 8 14 years 6 months beat 14 years 6 months
Subject line modification on forward Active Normal Feature request 1 14 years 6 months 14 years 6 months
Duplicate Current live site Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 6 months CharlesMason 14 years 6 months
Newer version of Apache for CentOS available Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 6 months Daworm 14 years 6 months
Email Fordwarding Active Normal Support request 4 14 years 6 months checkara 14 years 6 months
clamav-filesystem conflicts with clamav Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 6 months Gibbons 14 years 6 months
Email-addresses expansion doesn't work on Email forwards to same domain Active Normal Bug report 8 14 years 6 months beat 14 years 6 months
reusing fixed IP addresses Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 6 months AnthRam 14 years 6 months
new not being installed Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 6 months sgrayban 14 years 6 months
Wordpress Update - Path Moved Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 6 months fuzzie 14 years 6 months
DNSSEC hangs forever and Zone key only unchecks by itself Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 6 months steen 14 years 6 months
Webalizer fails to run? Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 6 months katir 14 years 6 months
MySQL charset/collation of databases created by Virtualmin and script installers Active Normal Support request 31 4 years 4 months beat 14 years 6 months
webmin-virtual-server can't be authenticated Active Normal Bug report 5 8 years 2 months andreychek 14 years 6 months
installing a new site with radiant breaks existing radiant sites. Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 6 months cedral 14 years 6 months
lost file, how to recover? Active Normal Support request 7 14 years 7 months bislinks 14 years 7 months
Ipv6 support Active Normal Feature request 4 14 years 7 months RedKnot 14 years 7 months
Centralized Control Panel - Decentralized Services Active Normal Feature request 15 11 years 7 months tpnsolutions 14 years 7 months
Problem with PHP and new installed server Active Normal Bug report 13 14 years 7 months mmoxnes 14 years 7 months
Failed to connect to : No route to host Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 7 months pete007 14 years 7 months
How to create a virtual directory in virtualmin..? Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 7 months pete007 14 years 7 months
moving server results in problem Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 7 months dukejustice 14 years 7 months
/var/log/virtualmin log files have incorrect owner designations Active Normal Support request 18 3 years 4 months sfbob 14 years 7 months
Backup License Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 7 months fuzzie 14 years 7 months
Maximum open files (file-max) is not sufficient with new installs Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 7 months beat 14 years 7 months
Account quota enforcement on mysql file-level halts entire mysql server Active Normal Bug report 16 13 years 8 months beat 14 years 7 months
Apache restart shared memory issue Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 7 months testdog 14 years 7 months
drupal script install to virtual server problem Active Normal Support request 7 14 years 7 months jahlewis 14 years 7 months
INCREASE MEMORY SIZE Active Normal Support request 6 14 years 7 months m.nouredine 14 years 7 months
Problem during updating to Webmin 1.500-1 Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 7 months AnastasiosMagoutas 14 years 7 months
Cannot write to directory /etc/webmin/virtual-server/ Active Normal Bug report 8 5 years 5 months ozone42 14 years 7 months


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