Webalizer fails to run?

We mostly look at Google Analytics but today I went to check webalizer on a few of our sites. http://www.himalayanacademy.com/stats/ last report run in July 09! http://www.hheonline.org/stats/
last report run in Mar 09

Strange; all the log files are present, for one site we have: hheoline.org -> Logs and Reports -> Webalizer Report -> Run Webalizer as [user is correct]; Always reprocess log files: NO Report options: Custom options (I had turned on page generation for All URLs) Scheduled report generation: enabled at times chosen below... clear log files after report NO minutes: 39 Hours: 1 Days: all; Months: All; Weekdays: All

I tried to view report and see last generated in March 09; click generate report and now we have data for Nov,Dec, 2009 and Jan 1-9 2010 and the interim period is all gone, lost... ouch.

Actually this is the second time that Webalizer just stopped firing, OR failed silently.

It appears this has been upgraded and I can use the global options now to get all URL generated. So turned off custom options for each of our virtual servers and used the global configuration -- this will be easier to maintain)

But how can I figure out why it is failing to fire? Generating a report works, no error messages, so we don't have any permissions issues. The crons look like they are set up properly. Perhaps a bit too close together? but these would be different threads, even if two virtual servers fired Webalizer at 1:25 and another at 1:27 am. I did note that one site we upgraded had no /publi_html/stats/ folder so that would have died there, but only for that site (I created a new /stats/ folder.

Of course I could give myself a reminder to generate reports each month before the log files rotate out, but that should not be necessary, right?



One thing to check is if there is a cron job setup to generate the report - you can check by SSHing in as root and running a command like :

crontab -l | grep domain.com

If it is setup, you should see a cron command like :

/etc/webmin/webalizer/webalizer.pl /var/log/virtualmin/domain.com_access_log

Try running this command as root at the shell, and let us know if it generates the Webalizer report properly.