Premium Support and Bug Tracker

Virtualmin Professional and Cloudmin Professional customers receive unlimited support tickets. If you're a Virtualmin GPL or Cloudmin GPL user, questions should be posted in our forum, or you can purchase premium support incidents in the shop. Bug reports about any of our projects are always welcome here, as well.
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Project Summary Status Category Replies Last updatedsort descending Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers migrate website from one account plan to an other Active Support request 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Webmin Core ProFTP > Global config > Files & DIr > "Limit users to directories" Fails to work Active Bug report 4 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Need to move domains to new server (HDD failing) but where are the custom templates stored to allow them to be moved to new serv Active Support request 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers RFE: Additional Wiki Scripts Active Bug report 6 14 years 4 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Change path like most ISP's Active Support request 2 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Webmin Core Razor Active Support request 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Update the virtualmin GPL repo for ubuntu 8.04 LTS Active Support request 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Cloudmin Domain Name on VPS Active Support request 2 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Sugar CRM upgrade 5.5.0a -> 5.5.1 through Virtualmin half done, now not accessible Active Bug report 7 14 years 4 months 14 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers PHP Not Executing... Active Support request 8 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Procmail/Spamassassin not working correctly ? Active Support request 4 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Most of the incomming mail is marked as spam Active Support request 1 14 years 4 months mlkoekenberg 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Can Send But Not Receive After Modifying Postfix file Active Bug report 2 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Email set up Active Support request 14 14 years 4 months 14 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers virtualmin is very slow Active Bug report 9 14 years 4 months 14 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Failed to create mailing list : A list with the same name already exists Active Support request 8 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers After enabling mail relay, mail is still delivered in mailboxes Active Bug report 4 14 years 4 months mlkoekenberg 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers ServerAlias not created from restored Virtual Server Active Bug report 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Installing Joomla, from cPanel to Virtualmin Active Support request 6 14 years 4 months P3 Design Studi... 14 years 5 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers mydomain.tld/awstats won't load Active Support request 7 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Webmin Core updating webmin fails Active Support request 3 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers I Hate PCI Scans Active Support request 3 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers webmin failed update Active Support request 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Webmin Core Webmin 1.510-1 update stalls during update, completes ok Active Bug report 1 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Webmin Core System Statistics No historic system statistics have been recorded yet. Active Support request 5 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Limiting "Allowed scripts" in Account Plans doesn't work Active Bug report 5 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Updating Virtualmin or reneview licence brake server Active Support request 18 14 years 4 months 14 years 4 months
Webmin Core MySQL Default Connections Active Support request 1 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers phpmail not functioning Active Bug report 4 14 years 3 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers dav folder connection Active Support request 3 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers XMLReader will not compile from PECL Active Bug report 8 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers ClamAV Upgrade Causing RAM / CPU Usage spike Active Bug report 9 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin Mail Relay question Active Support request 7 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers redmine installer doesn't work. Active Bug report 6 14 years 3 months 14 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Xen setup help Active Support request 44 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Upgrade to php 5.2.13 in bleeding edge repo Active Support request 1 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Domain on Virtualmin Active Support request 3 14 years 3 months Rich_H 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers xen debian images Active Bug report 6 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Cloudmin xen desktop Active Feature request 8 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers WHMCS suspending accounts/services using the virtualmin API calls Active Support request 12 14 years 3 months seattleserver 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtual Server FTP Users get root access when using SFTP Active Support request 3 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Usermin Core Mail Loops Active Bug report 3 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Sub-Servers are all messed up Active Bug report 2 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Force dns zone transfer Active Support request 16 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Cannot Create Sub Servers Active Bug report 6 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers I need dom_import_simplexml and Class: DOMNode Active Support request 2 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Home directory : Sub-directory logs under home directory does not exist Active Support request 5 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Any Limited user or domain in one virtualmin Server ? Active Feature request 11 14 years 3 months ming1340 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Postfix mailq holding a lot of email sent to one user ? Active Bug report 2 14 years 3 months ming1340 14 years 3 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Failed to open autoreply file /home/ : Permission denied Active Bug report 6 14 years 3 months 14 years 3 months


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