Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned tosort descending Created
What is the advantage of using script installers/ Active Normal Feature request 3 9 years 9 months username9 9 years 9 months
Install multiple versions of mcrypt - one for pHP 5.3 and one for pHP4 Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 7 months username9 9 years 7 months
size of incremental backups Active Normal Support request 4 8 years 9 months username9 8 years 9 months
smart http and git Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 1 month username9 7 years 1 month
User quota problem Active Normal Support request 2 11 years 6 months username9 11 years 6 months
cant enable webdav for virtual server Active Normal Support request 2 13 years 8 months username9 13 years 8 months
New version of PHP selected, menu for 'PHP 5.6 configuration' doesn't show up for a while Active Normal Support request 18 7 years 9 months utweb-systems 7 years 11 months
Change user shells via the command line Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 9 months utweb-systems 8 years 9 months
virtualmin delete-domain fails at webalizer Active Normal Support request 7 7 years 9 months utweb-systems 7 years 9 months
Change Domain Name, possible bug Active Normal Support request 9 8 years 5 months utweb-systems 8 years 6 months
Access controls to prohibit resellers from... Active Normal Feature request 2 9 years 6 months utweb-systems 9 years 6 months
Renewal and server merge Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 8 months 13 years 8 months
eGroupware Script Issue Active Normal Bug report 6 7 years 11 months uwland 8 years 2 weeks
Mailman lists do not work for virtual domains, only for main domain. Active Normal Bug report 2 14 years 1 week valeriupalos 14 years 1 week
Dependency in new rpm Active Normal Bug report 1 13 years 7 months vaoclan 13 years 7 months
Cant Send Emails Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 10 months vapaflava 11 years 10 months
FTPpro Server Randomly Shuts Down Active Normal Support request 7 9 years 5 months vbgscloud 9 years 6 months
Duplicate directries of existing server are created in new virtual server Active Normal Bug report 5 8 years 2 weeks vBorraq 8 years 3 weeks
rename virtual server Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 10 months vbsaltydog 14 years 10 months
Configure ServerTemplate Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 6 months veind1987 10 years 6 months
Postfix Problem Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 6 months veind1987 10 years 6 months
Help with migration questions Active Normal Support request 5 12 years 5 months velvetpixel 12 years 5 months
Virtualmin Analytics Quantcast and HTTPS Active Normal Bug report 15 years 3 months velvetpixel 15 years 3 months
Can't remove proftpd from status section of sys info page Active Normal Bug report 4 13 years 2 weeks velvetpixel 16 years 1 month
Perl execution failed Active Normal Bug report 10 10 years 7 months verex 10 years 7 months
cannot add SRV Records for Office365 in virtualmin - server configuration - DNS Records Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 11 months verex 7 years 11 months
Apache downloads the PHP files instead of executing them in FCGId mode Active Normal Bug report 8 4 years 11 months verex 5 years 2 months
update httpd rpm in virtualmin GPL repo Active Normal Support request 5 3 years 10 months verne 4 years 3 months
can php fpm sockets be brought back to help with SELinux TCP port issues? Active Normal Feature request 5 3 years 7 months verne 4 years 5 months
Update new PHP Options page heading Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 1 3 years 5 months verne 3 years 5 months
The MySQL adapter 'mysqli' is not available. Active Normal Support request 4 8 years 5 months vernman 8 years 5 months
Re-Check Configuration kills server Active Critical Bug report 8 years 4 months viebrock 8 years 4 months
Licence check throug a firewall Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 9 months vinack 14 years 9 months
Web server default instead of web site Active Normal Support request 8 7 years 1 month Vince42 7 years 1 month
Grav Installer claims to require PHP 7.6 Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 1 3 years 4 months Vince42 3 years 4 months
Remove Java File Manager for Virtual Server Admins Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 4 months Vince42 8 years 4 months
Admin and Webmail Redirect Configuration Active Normal Support request 9 6 years 2 months Vince42 8 years 4 months
Configuration Check - Postfix Active Normal Bug report 56 8 years 1 month Vince42 8 years 8 months
Renamed Subdomain Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 2 months Vince42 7 years 2 months
Apache default host Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 7 months Vince42 7 years 7 months
Script installer upgrade MediaWiki: PHP module mysql is required .. .. could not find global php.ini file Active Normal Support request 16 4 years 1 month Vince42 7 years 1 month
Script Installer for Grav Fixed (pending) Normal Feature request 24 3 years 9 months Vince42 6 years 6 months
Postfix Domain in BOTH mydestination and virtual_alias_domains Active Normal Support request 11 7 years 5 months Vince42 8 years 2 weeks
Script Installer Upgrade Warning Active Normal Feature request 2 6 years 1 month Vince42 6 years 1 month
Database connection failed : DBI connect failed : Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES) 1433. Active Normal Support request 13 6 years 7 months Vince42 7 years 1 month
MediaWiki Manager Active Normal Feature request 2 4 years 7 months Vince42 4 years 7 months
Ubuntu 16.04 gitweb.cgi gives error on page: "Software error: Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at gitweb.cgi line 1193." Active Normal Bug report 3 6 years 11 months vincellc 7 years 8 months
Incomplete Apache SSL configuration for Let's Encrypt ! Active Normal Bug report 6 7 years 3 months vincen 7 years 3 months
Forward but n local copy for emails ! Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 6 months vincen 7 years 7 months
API For Online/Dédibox domain services ?? Active Normal Feature request 7 years 1 month vincen 7 years 1 month


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