Install multiple versions of mcrypt - one for pHP 5.3 and one for pHP4

I already have multiple versions of PHP on my server. It is CENTOS 6

Do we need a separate version of mcrypt for PHP 5.3 and for PHP 5.4? If yes how to install the version for 5.4? I see that only the version for 5.3 installed. Thanks



Howdy -- if you want to use Mcrypt with PHP 5.4, you would indeed need to have a separate module for that.

Unfortunately though, I don't believe the CentOS SCL repository includes Mcrypt with their PHP versions.

Thanks for the answer.

How to make php 5.4 the only version on the server? I believe that will solve our problem. Thanks again

Sorry, the only way to do that would be to use a distro that comes with PHP 5.4.

There isn't a supported way of removing the default PHP version that comes with a distro, only supplementing it with an additional PHP version.