Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Categorysort descending Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
Redirect no longer exists /virtual-server/edit_redirect.cgi?dom=some number Active Normal Support request 7 years 1 month nilands55s 7 years 1 month
forwarding a non-domain email account Active Normal Support request 6 12 years 9 months ReachONE 12 years 9 months
Customers accessing the control panel from there location Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 9 months wilsonsworldlimited 13 years 9 months
awstats error after upgrade of debian Active Normal Support request 9 10 years 4 months skelgaard 10 years 4 months
No Install Scripts option in Virtualmin Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 9 months 14 years 9 months
Added FTP accounts do not work Active Normal Support request 3 11 years 6 months securewebs 11 years 6 months
FormMail Scripts Active Normal Support request 3 8 years 5 months methownet 8 years 5 months
eGroupWare Active Normal Support request 6 6 years 9 months jhorrocks 6 years 10 months
Help configuring host adresses Active Normal Support request 2 12 years 7 months jfquestiaux 12 years 7 months
Scheduled Backups Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 4 months mstanchi 9 years 4 months
Apache stops logging hits Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 7 months arjones85 14 years 7 months
bind keeps stopping fresh install. Active Normal Support request 7 11 years 5 months calderwood 11 years 5 months
Can not log into usermin Active Normal Support request 5 12 years 4 months brokert 12 years 4 months
Problem Getting Mailman Lists to Send Active Normal Support request 6 13 years 4 months pacolvin 13 years 4 months
Users not able to sync email to mobile devices or mail clients anymore Active Normal Support request 9 6 years 1 week anwoke8204 6 years 2 weeks
Issue with Install Scripts - Redmine Active Normal Support request 8 12 years 2 months PCS 12 years 2 months
pecl install geoip Active Normal Support request 6 9 years 6 days bislinks 9 years 1 week
Mountpoints and Quotas rejected new virtual servers and email account Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 2 months Mobious 13 years 2 months
mysql error while backing up virtual servers Active Normal Support request 16 9 years 10 months username9 9 years 10 months
Some string in translation are not shown in UI Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 6 months zerosofadown 7 years 6 months
Rackspace Backups on GPL Active Normal Support request 5 11 years 3 weeks tomcameron 11 years 1 month
Update Mysql Active Normal Support request 3 10 years 10 months zerocoldgm 10 years 10 months
Z-Push Calendar Integration Active Normal Support request 3 8 years 1 month andybrunton 8 years 1 month
Server Restore to newer version Active Normal Support request 15 11 years 7 months methownet 11 years 11 months
Domain admin owner - how to create mysql account ... Active Normal Support request 8 12 years 11 months pham 12 years 11 months
Opening port 8080 for HTTP Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 1 week 14 years 1 week
Name Alias or Create Alias Server Active Normal Support request 7 15 years 2 weeks lueung 15 years 2 weeks
how to create domain virtual server account holder Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 1 month info@orderlastm... 7 years 1 month
Can I use any other kind of web server such as Aol server & erlang Yaws web server instead of Apache in webmin/virutalmin? Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 7 months topstarnetwork 9 years 7 months
Virtulmin with Exim Active Normal Support request 2 13 years 10 months mtahir04july 13 years 10 months
Not sure if Im waiting on more information or not Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 8 months Eteranal Tears 7 years 10 months
Apache2 fails after latest package update Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 10 months gte451f 14 years 10 months
SSL Server Question Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 7 months methownet 11 years 7 months
Subserver is going to the parent domain Active Normal Support request 2 6 years 11 months ADBYITMS 6 years 11 months
Transfer Virtual Server runs but fails, reporting lack of space when there is space! Active Normal Support request 5 6 years 11 months sebholmes 6 years 11 months
httpd package Active Normal Support request 2 12 years 8 months mcordas 12 years 8 months
cron jobs to end user Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 7 months moimichel 13 years 7 months
Wordpress duplicator plugin migration trouble Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 8 months Tomtreas 7 years 8 months
Maildir is not created for administration user Active Normal Support request 2 11 years 5 months wpmwill 11 years 5 months
New License not yet applied Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 6 months cruiskeen 12 years 6 months
FCGID ERRORS - Broken pipe: mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade failed in handle_request_ipc function Active Normal Support request 12 7 years 9 months pete007 9 years 2 months
MariaDB does not start Active Normal Support request 8 7 years 7 months bislinks 7 years 7 months
Using another username for remote api instead of root Active Normal Support request 8 11 years 4 months ice 11 years 4 months
Hamtrap and spamtrap aliases stopped working Active Normal Support request 25 7 years 5 months MTUser2012 7 years 5 months
Virtualmin GPL update shown for Virtualmin Pro Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months novoops 13 years 3 months
Magento on ubuntu 14.05 with Php 5.6 Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 7 months masterg0g0 7 years 7 months
Migrate to cPanel Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 3 months excale 14 years 3 months
apache update error centos 6 Active Normal Support request 4 8 years 1 month adlsrl 8 years 1 month
How to apply mail filter to incoming spam message Active Normal Support request 2 5 years 9 months chill_Surf 5 years 9 months
E-Mail error Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 2 weeks mike8 13 years 2 weeks


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