Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Statussort ascending Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
Alias email or forwarding email don't work if the email have a "Subject" Active Normal Bug report 12 5 years 11 months cubanxp 5 years 11 months
Virus and malware scanner for files Active Normal Feature request 2 5 years 11 months yngens 5 years 11 months
Restoring Nginx websites error Active Normal Bug report 2 5 years 10 months kindnation 5 years 11 months
django 1.9.7 login does not work and crashes the whole server on uninstall Active Normal Bug report 2 5 years 11 months 123pc 5 years 11 months
Confusing options in Help section different than options on UI Active Normal Bug report 5 years 11 months yngens 5 years 11 months
Setting the "Use SASL SMTP authentication?" option to 'Yes writes incorrect configuration option to Active Normal Bug report 10 5 years 3 months yngens 5 years 11 months
rainloop as webmail access Active Normal Support request 2 5 years 11 months masterg0g0 5 years 11 months
Restore not working Active Normal Bug report 14 5 years 11 months Brook 5 years 11 months
Perl dies with error message during backup up using S3's 'S3-compatible server hostname' option to backup to Google Cloud Storage instead of Amazon. Active Normal Bug report 10 5 years 11 months dly 5 years 11 months
https not allow http at all Active Normal Feature request 2 5 years 11 months hescominsoon 5 years 11 months
package php70-mysqli not found Active Normal Support request 10 5 years 11 months anwoke8204 5 years 11 months
Please create a documentation page for proper way of creating additional admin user Active Normal Task 4 5 years 11 months yngens 5 years 11 months
When only PHP 7.0 is installed on Ubuntu 16.04, PhpMyAdmin script install fails Active Normal Bug report 6 5 years 4 months beat 5 years 11 months
Upgrade Django installer script from 1.9.7 to 2.1 Active Normal Feature request 3 4 years 11 months jorgecardenas1 5 years 11 months
Just a few bugs I found (default firewalld, interface, ebtables etc)? Active Normal Bug report 9 5 years 12 months fakemoth 6 years 1 day
Ports running Webmin / Virtualmin Active Normal Feature request 5 6 years 2 days just_me 6 years 3 days
Failed Installation for Horde Active Normal Bug report 4 6 years 3 days dhzian 6 years 4 days
Domain registration question Active Normal Support request 1 6 years 3 days hescominsoon 6 years 5 days
DKIM signing for all domains Active Normal Bug report 4 6 years 1 day xgarreau 6 years 5 days
Installing dependencies and system packages [ERROR] Active Normal Bug report 9 6 years 4 days rommr 6 years 1 week
Script Installer Upgrade Warning Active Normal Feature request 2 6 years 1 week Vince42 6 years 1 week
Connection to AWS RDS can't be established error 110 Active Normal Bug report 3 5 years 11 months mukesh 6 years 1 week
Back button not working Active Normal Bug report 21 6 years 1 week newvolition 6 years 2 weeks
Apache directives for multiple PHP per directory aren't being deleted from the SSL vhost when removed. Active Normal Bug report 1 6 years 2 weeks lpt 6 years 2 weeks
jk_chrootsh question Active Normal Support request 5 6 years 1 month hescominsoon 6 years 1 month
PHP Modules Active Normal Support request 1 6 years 1 month nated1992 6 years 1 month
Using Shared Storage for High Availability (NFS or FC) Active Normal Support request 19 6 years 4 days itinfra 6 years 1 month
bugzilla fails to install on virtual subdomain server (with Perl CPAN error) Active Normal Bug report 19 5 years 11 months jrvmedic 6 years 1 month
Edit Proxy website should add "SSLProxyEngine on" to httpd.conf for virtualhost Active Normal Bug report 1 6 years 1 month Cadencia 6 years 1 month
Dynamic DNS zones Active Normal Feature request 2 6 years 1 month imcdona 6 years 1 month
Log file rotation failed! Active Normal Support request 2 6 years 1 month wohlford 6 years 1 month
Restore issues Active Normal Support request 11 6 years 1 month sapmin 6 years 1 month
Can't access IP:10000 after installing Virtualmin via SSH Active Normal Support request 2 6 years 1 month locnguyen17 6 years 1 month
Problem connecting to email server from thunderbird after Lets Encrypt certificate request Active Normal Bug report 2 6 years 1 month chill_Surf 6 years 1 month
When installing RoundCube on a top-level it gives error on duplicate `public_html/public_html` Active Normal Bug report 1 6 years 1 month yngens 6 years 1 month
Virtualmin => Addresses and Networking => Dynamic IP Update <<< needs some modernization/updating? Active Normal Feature request 20 3 years 9 months WNYmathGuy 6 years 1 month
Automatic Redirect on Virtualmin servers Active Normal Task 10 6 years 1 month itinfra 6 years 2 months
Virtualmin with MariaDB galera Cluster an MaxScale Active Normal Support request 5 6 years 1 month ghost23 6 years 2 months
Tried to setup spamd/spamassasin with postfix per the instructions on Active Normal Bug report 7 6 years 2 months 6 years 2 months
Virtual Server deletion desaster - Virtualmin does not delete all traces of vservers Active Normal Bug report 6 years 2 months mike0810 6 years 2 months
Virtualmin GIT Repo Module - CentOS 7 Active Normal Bug report 2 6 years 2 months elliotks 6 years 2 months
RackSpace UK Authentication failure from Schedule Backups Active Normal Bug report 14 6 years 2 months wheeler 6 years 2 months
Virtual server - change domain name - results in dovecot config problem Active Normal Bug report 4 6 years 2 months Falko 6 years 2 months
Http2 on virtualmin ubuntu 16.04 server Active Normal Support request 1 6 years 2 months masterg0g0 6 years 2 months
Wordpress Multisites: Server not found when visiting site & sites dashboard Active Normal Task 2 6 years 3 months PresPhuture 6 years 3 months
Clean up the /etc/webmin/virtual-server/domains/$domain_id file if user removes SSL files Active Normal Bug report 5 6 years 3 months yngens 6 years 3 months
Email problem Active Normal Bug report 6 6 years 3 months just_me 6 years 3 months
Server Validation Error Active Normal Support request 4 6 years 3 months sonoracomm 6 years 3 months
Postfix Compatibility Mode Active Normal Support request 4 6 years 3 months sonoracomm 6 years 3 months
letsencrypt certs for subdomains and default website Active Normal Support request 6 6 years 3 months just_me 6 years 3 months


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