Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Repliessort ascending Last updated Assigned to Created
Install PHP XSL Module Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 5 months info@orderlastm... 7 years 5 months
Google Cloud Storage Failed to get initial OAuth2 token : Missing Perl module JSON::PP Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 8 months securewebs 7 years 8 months
CLAMD not running after upgrade from 12.04 tot 14.04 LTS Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 11 months virtualmin3123 9 years 11 months
installng zend and ioncube Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 11 months paulfromsurrey 8 years 11 months
Unable to create autoreply message for mail alias Active Normal Bug report 1 12 years 8 months christefano 12 years 8 months
Bug with Django and PosteSQL Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 6 months jamesvp23 7 years 6 months
License Question Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 2 months pacolvin 13 years 2 months
Search FTP Log from within Virtualmin Active Normal Bug report 1 11 years 11 months nick108 11 years 11 months
Virtualmin renewed Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months acid 10 years 3 months
Restart apache web apaplication is installed using script installer Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 11 months timmy 12 years 11 months
Incorrect RAM resources reported in the dashboard Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 3 weeks OliverF 4 years 3 weeks
Error: Missing or invalid From address (sending within Email Server Owners) Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 1 month exius 7 years 1 month
Virtualmin servers are sooooo slow - like 5-10 seconds for page load Active Normal Support request 1 5 years 1 month isdahlc 5 years 1 month
installing a new site with radiant breaks existing radiant sites. Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 6 months cedral 14 years 6 months
I cannot creat a Database Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 7 months michael33b 12 years 7 months
Virtualmin Upgrade Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 9 months acid 9 years 9 months
Virtualmin Upgrade 100 to 250 Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months acid 10 years 3 months
Manage nodejs Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 3 months alt 7 years 3 months
postfix aliases backlash Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 1 month seiffs 14 years 1 month
Virtual Server can be accessible via Server IP address (but it shouldn't) Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 5 months kenvunz 13 years 5 months
multiple php version (7 and 5.6) with ubuntu 16.04 Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 1 month moimichel 7 years 1 month
Virtualmin Upgrade Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 10 months acid 8 years 10 months
License for 2 Server (Dedicated Hosts) Active Major Support request 1 7 years 11 months 7 years 11 months
Dns Not sending zonefiles to slave Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 9 months oranjbox 13 years 9 months
User mail filters and over quota mail handling settings when spam and virus features are turned off Active Normal Bug report 1 10 years 5 months lp86 10 years 5 months
install scripts problem php-mysql php-5 mysql Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 1 month PlayGod 13 years 1 month
The options "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS by default?" fails Active Normal Bug report 1 6 years 9 months yngens 6 years 9 months
Upgrading PHP 5.2 to PHP 5.3 Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 3 months jorgecardenas1 11 years 3 months
Virtualmin Upgrade Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 6 months acid 9 years 6 months
setup for default host domain name, ssl not working Active Normal Bug report 1 3 years 10 months onmagic 3 years 10 months
Problem in Backup of Virtual Servers migrated from Cpanel Active Normal Bug report 1 12 years 3 months medma 12 years 3 months
Radius_Authentication Active Normal Feature request 1 11 years 1 month abdulshemeer163 11 years 1 month
Email error Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 11 months kiora 13 years 11 months
New server with Nginx, Percona, Varnish, PHP-FPM, APC Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 5 months martynw 9 years 5 months
Change to how CronJobs for Log Rotations are managed. Active Normal Feature request 1 14 years 6 months Daworm 14 years 6 months
All VM Pro installs now GPL Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 10 months sgrayban 9 years 10 months
Amazon SOAP authentication Active Normal Task 1 12 years 6 months steeloctopus 12 years 6 months
Is it possible to add a prefix to the default administrator user for new virtual servers? Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 3 months -eclipse- 8 years 3 months
Most of the incomming mail is marked as spam Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 3 months mlkoekenberg 14 years 3 months
using different certificates for Usermin for virtual servers with their own IP address Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 8 months SoftwareLibrarian 9 years 8 months
cannot add SRV Records for Office365 in virtualmin - server configuration - DNS Records Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 9 months verex 7 years 9 months
/etc/dkim-filter.conf should not have "Domain *" entry Active Normal Bug report 1 13 years 6 months tuaris 13 years 6 months
Feature req: Disable PHP altogether (for static sites) Active Normal Feature request 1 4 years 2 months Lucian 4 years 2 months
Website redirects to https for login webpages Active Normal Feature request 1 10 years 2 months jorgecardenas1 10 years 2 months
create the virtual host and also the bind recods address but opening a php website is showing blank page Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 1 month xookrfans 9 years 1 month
hp versions Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 2 months danfix 7 years 2 months
yum upgrading Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 2 weeks gl3ny 14 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin renewed Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 8 months acid 10 years 8 months
Internal Server Error Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 2 weeks stevenyeu 11 years 2 weeks
How to apply renewal? Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 11 months glimmung 8 years 11 months


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