hp versions


I hope some one can help me with this.

I need to remove all traces of php from all my domains.

I done a yum erase php*.

but when i go to any domain, i can see under Server Configuration - PHP Versions Default Html Directory Version 5.6.25 and below it Version 5.6.30

Do i need to delete these /fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi, /fcgi-bin/php5.5.fcgi, /fcgi-bin/php5.6.fcgi?

In /home/name/etc/ i deteted all the php.ini files and folders




Using yum to remove all the PHP packages would indeed remove PHP itself.

Once PHP is removed, your domains would no longer be able to execute PHP.

Did you have a particular goal you were trying to accomplish at that point?

There may be a simpler way than trying to manually delete those files in the homedirs... though note that those aren't PHP packages, but just the scripts Virtualmin uses when trying to execute PHP.