Submitted by danfix on Wed, 05/24/2017 - 12:37 Pro Licensee
I hope some one can help me with this.
I need to remove all traces of php from all my domains.
I done a yum erase php*.
but when i go to any domain, i can see under Server Configuration - PHP Versions Default Html Directory Version 5.6.25 and below it Version 5.6.30
Do i need to delete these /fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi, /fcgi-bin/php5.5.fcgi, /fcgi-bin/php5.6.fcgi?
In /home/name/etc/ i deteted all the php.ini files and folders
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 05/24/2017 - 13:07 Comment #1
Using yum to remove all the PHP packages would indeed remove PHP itself.
Once PHP is removed, your domains would no longer be able to execute PHP.
Did you have a particular goal you were trying to accomplish at that point?
There may be a simpler way than trying to manually delete those files in the homedirs... though note that those aren't PHP packages, but just the scripts Virtualmin uses when trying to execute PHP.