Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Webmin says it is uptodate but its not Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 1 day samsaffy 14 years 1 day
Remote API modify-domain doesn't update disk quota Active Normal Bug report 13 14 years 1 day RyanJohnson 14 years 3 days
problem when switching to FCGID Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 2 days ovidiubica 14 years 2 days
MySQL database failed! : SQL flush privileges failed Active Normal Support request 5 14 years 3 days yngens 14 years 3 days
Cannot install osTicket Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 4 days lapenri 14 years 4 days
spam scanning cant be disabled ? Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 5 days sgrayban 14 years 5 days
different document root for domain and install script Active Normal Support request 5 14 years 5 days dglanzmann 14 years 6 days
Whitelist/Blacklist from POP/IMAP Mail Client Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 6 days sonoracomm 14 years 6 days
SSL certificate expiry monitoring change Active Normal Feature request 3 14 years 6 days sgrayban 14 years 6 days
ocPortal Script Installer Active Normal Feature request 3 14 years 6 days rrhode 14 years 1 week
FYI proftp configuration glitch Active Normal Bug report 2 14 years 1 week whippy 14 years 1 week
2 questions on available option Active Normal Bug report 6 14 years 1 week dukejustice 14 years 1 week
What is the recommended distribution, if any? Active Normal Support request 5 14 years 1 week Locutus 14 years 1 week
CLAM AV out of date Active Normal Support request 4 14 years 1 week 14 years 1 week
mod_fcgid: ap_pass_brigade errors Active Normal Task 2 14 years 1 week RyanJohnson 14 years 1 week
Virtual Shared IPv4 not applied to Apache2 Virtualhost directive Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 1 week 14 years 3 weeks
Email problems continue Active Normal Support request 6 14 years 1 week Rich_H 14 years 2 weeks
Apache not load balaning Active Normal Support request 7 14 years 2 weeks wwiblinjr 14 years 2 weeks
Dns Not sending zonefiles to slave Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 2 weeks oranjbox 14 years 2 weeks
virtualmin and dns Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 2 weeks lucian.lazar 14 years 2 weeks
API response format and documentation. Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 2 weeks tomcameron 14 years 2 weeks
on shared ip with virtual servers an ssl site is created when i do not want one Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 2 weeks 14 years 2 weeks
installing ruby on rails Active Normal Support request 4 14 years 2 weeks BillDeLoatche 14 years 2 weeks
Installation freezes Active Normal Bug report 10 14 years 2 weeks whippy 14 years 3 weeks
virtual ip interfaces virtual question? one Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 3 weeks wwiblinjr 14 years 3 weeks
Choosing PHP versions Active Normal Feature request 7 14 years 3 weeks rrhode 14 years 3 weeks
Dovecot "Stale NFS file handle" errors Active Normal Support request 39 14 years 3 weeks dkuhlman 14 years 3 weeks
Quotas again Active Normal Support request 5 14 years 3 weeks RyanJohnson 14 years 3 weeks
User quota's and mail delivery problems Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 3 weeks VMSystems 14 years 3 months
www redirect Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 3 weeks rraichi 14 years 3 weeks
Configuration issue with mailing system what I am doing wrong? Active Normal Bug report 7 14 years 3 weeks wwiblinjr 14 years 4 weeks
postfix rejecting messages Active Normal Support request 11 14 years 1 month dachande 14 years 1 month
mod_php sites do not migrate properly Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 1 month jmunjr 14 years 1 month
Cannot change user email \ FTP password in Virtualmin Pro Active Normal Support request 6 14 years 1 month dkuhlman 14 years 1 month
CPU Load Spiking During Backups Active Normal Support request 4 14 years 1 month brucelet 14 years 1 month
Email problems Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 1 month Rich_H 14 years 1 month
spamc "Maximum message size" appears to be ignored Active Normal Bug report 5 14 years 1 month arjones85 14 years 1 month
installing zip/unzip Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 1 month 14 years 1 month
Apaches appears to crash every Sunday and won't restart from Webmin Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 1 month s3cur3f0undati0ns 14 years 1 month
Would like a feature to be able to force the randomisation of the install directory for the VM install scripts Active Normal Feature request 4 14 years 1 month bigwombat 14 years 1 month
Website documents sub-directory - Must not begin or end with a / Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 1 month kthxbai2u 14 years 1 month
webalizer/awstat issue Active Normal Support request 25 14 years 1 month mmoxnes 14 years 1 month
Virtualmin: Error - Missing Content-Type Header Active Normal Bug report 16 14 years 1 month mlkoekenberg 14 years 1 month
apache is down Active Normal Support request 8 14 years 1 month 14 years 1 month
Opening port 8080 for HTTP Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 1 month 14 years 1 month
Mailman not recieving email Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 1 month mlkoekenberg 14 years 1 month
Programe failure on Active Normal Support request 5 14 years 1 month ming1340 14 years 1 month
Central SquirrelMail installation Active Normal Support request 5 14 years 1 month clwheatley 14 years 1 month
Maildir Active Normal Support request 6 14 years 1 month andrewrimmer 14 years 1 month
postfix mail delivery Active Normal Support request 9 14 years 1 month clwheatley 14 years 1 month


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