Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
24 hours after renewal Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months marcor 9 years 7 months
Validation feature Active Normal Feature request 9 years 7 months sgrayban 9 years 7 months
upgrade Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months adamreiser 9 years 7 months
Procmail conf overwritten after Webmin 1.720 update.... Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months 7stars 9 years 7 months
Webmin upgrade revert maildir to mailbox in procmailrc Active Normal Bug report 8 9 years 7 months yngens 9 years 9 months
restore domain from remote master server fails Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months nandt 9 years 7 months
procmailrc file with log info Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months ADDISON74 9 years 7 months
procmailrc altered from maildir to mailbox Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months steen 9 years 7 months
[solved] comodo ssl Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 7 months ronald 9 years 7 months
Using Cloudmin services DNS Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 7 months combine 9 years 7 months
Small question about the DNS configuration Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months scraffe 9 years 7 months
A username and password are being requested Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 7 months athera 9 years 7 months
A bit too often! Active Normal Support request 10 9 years 7 months LarsReimers 9 years 7 months
virtualmin + openldap + centos 6.6 final, domain owner can not login after domain create. Active Normal Bug report 7 9 years 7 months steen 9 years 7 months
PHPMyAdmin Not Installing On EC2 server Active Normal Support request 7 9 years 7 months equusinteractive 9 years 7 months
awstats for a particular site is 0 Active Normal Support request 9 9 years 7 months bislinks 9 years 8 months
Unable to create backup for a virtual server Active Normal Support request 9 9 years 7 months bislinks 9 years 8 months
using different certificates for Usermin for virtual servers with their own IP address Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months SoftwareLibrarian 9 years 7 months
mysql error while backing up virtual servers Active Normal Support request 16 9 years 7 months username9 9 years 7 months
One Licence migration to new server Active Normal Support request 13 9 years 7 months Shirehosting 9 years 7 months
Problem with migration Active Normal Support request 7 9 years 7 months microware 10 years 1 month
Installation on Ubuntu server Active Normal Feature request 2 9 years 7 months Arvi89 9 years 8 months
Website Redirects 301 / 302 option Active Normal Feature request 1 9 years 7 months lewisjenkins 9 years 7 months
Webmin and Virtualmin simultaneous backup silent failure? Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months Joe 9 years 7 months
admin group creation failure with ldap Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 7 months Yichalal 9 years 7 months
What is the advantage of using script installers/ Active Normal Feature request 3 9 years 7 months username9 9 years 7 months
Multiple versions of php Active Normal Feature request 2 9 years 7 months username9 9 years 7 months
CentOS 6 php-mcrypt is in CentOS 7 repository Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months lp86 9 years 7 months
greylist stopping emails from sending Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 7 months BradGuffey 9 years 7 months
Install Virtualmin on new RedHat 6.2 server Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months kiminox 9 years 7 months
Respect Proxy on Login Screen an in Webmin/Virtualmin generally Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months parlt 9 years 7 months
Restored sites don't render properly Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 7 months archaic0 9 years 7 months
Locked out of virtualmin Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 7 months support0 9 years 7 months
Yum update doesn't work Active Normal Bug report 6 9 years 8 months -eclipse- 9 years 8 months
How can I run multiple PHP version on Ubuntu 12.04? Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 8 months alfaeomega 9 years 8 months
Virtualmin Mail users problem Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 8 months coolbit 9 years 8 months
Unable to create scheduled backups, no space, need to merge partitions Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 8 months bislinks 9 years 8 months
Users complain of missing emails Active Normal Support request 13 9 years 8 months uinfor 9 years 8 months
Setting up new server Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 8 months aaronstpierre 9 years 8 months
Apache default ssl overrides virtual server ssl Active Normal Bug report 5 9 years 8 months lp86 9 years 8 months
License renewal Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 8 months archaic0 9 years 8 months
ClamAV Virus Scanning does not start Active Normal Support request 17 9 years 8 months LarsReimers 9 years 8 months
Warning about mod_php execution Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 8 months jpenix 9 years 8 months
Safe to disable Usermin service? Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 8 months lewisjenkins 9 years 8 months
Disk space full but not showing in virtualmin Active Normal Support request 9 9 years 8 months kappler0 9 years 8 months
security issue Active Normal Bug report 11 9 years 8 months helpmin 9 years 8 months
Virtualmin Upgrade Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 8 months acid 9 years 8 months
Ubuntu / Debian / Centos Usermin differences Active Normal Bug report 7 9 years 8 months helpmin 9 years 8 months
sa-update issue Active Normal Bug report 7 9 years 8 months helpmin 9 years 8 months
Receiving fatal error Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 8 months AzaZPPL 9 years 8 months


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