Locked out of virtualmin

I know I set the pwd to a certain value, but I no longer can get in.

I can ssh to it, but cannot seem to su -

How can I at least get the password of this one normal account proper? It's urgent that I get in to update a certificate which has expired.



Howdy -- unfortunately, if you no longer know your root password, you may need to work with your provider in order to reset the password.

Are you still using a GoDaddy VPS? If so, if you contact their support, they should be able to help you reset the root password.

I can do that via the control panel at Godaddy.

But my question is, if I do that, can I use that account, in this case "sandra" to get into virtualmin?

We don't get the root account from Godaddy VPS, we get an account that is supposed to be able to "su -" and gain root priv's.

It sounds like you're seeing the issue that you ran into last December:


Our recommendation is to set a password for the root user, so that you can use it to log into Virtualmin.

However, you came up with an alternative solution in the Support Request above that seemed to work for you. You could always try your previous solution if you don't want to give the root user a system password.