Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Default Name Servers Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 1 month danfix 10 years 1 month
One domain multiple webroots Active Normal Support request 6 10 years 1 month runnerz 10 years 2 months
BIND not responding to external calls Active Normal Support request 2 10 years 1 month abarbosa 10 years 1 month
Alias virtual server DNSSEC removed when parent updated Active Normal Bug report 3 10 years 1 month fuzzbawl 10 years 1 month
awstats error after upgrade of debian Active Normal Support request 9 10 years 2 months skelgaard 10 years 2 months
license renewals Active Normal Task 9 10 years 2 months rfitting 10 years 2 months
Trade License Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 2 months jeanv 10 years 2 months
question about yum repositories Active Normal Support request 4 10 years 2 months responsiveny 10 years 2 months
New setup. Error installing WHMCS via script Active Normal Support request 5 10 years 2 months cstrutton 10 years 2 months
Upgrade 50 to 100 user license Active Normal Support request 2 10 years 2 months jeff@inverselog... 10 years 2 months
License upgrade Active Normal Support request 4 10 years 2 months PatTzZ 10 years 2 months
Backup freezes and hangs for days Active Normal Bug report 8 10 years 2 months rulez22 10 years 2 months
Changing from a clear text password template to a hashed password template Active Normal Support request 6 10 years 2 months glimmung 10 years 2 months
Migrate Virtualmin Pro to New Hardware and New Domain Name Active Normal Support request 2 10 years 2 months sonoracomm 10 years 2 months
Mails missing Active Normal Support request 7 10 years 2 months uinfor 10 years 2 months
Virtualmin Upgrade 100 to 250 Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 2 months acid 10 years 2 months
phpmyadmin from install script doesn't work with Nginx Active Normal Support request 2 10 years 2 months kindnation 10 years 2 months
Unknown encoding 'ANSI' Active Normal Support request 5 10 years 2 months fdzicher 10 years 2 months
having an issue installing a new ssl cert from thawte Active Normal Support request 10 10 years 2 months Imhotep 10 years 3 months
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension Active Normal Support request 12 10 years 2 months securewebs 10 years 4 months
backups with mysql 5.6.6+ Active Normal Feature request 3 10 years 2 months janezek 10 years 2 months
Duplicate emails coming through Active Normal Support request 3 10 years 2 months eboughey 10 years 2 months
SSL acces only for virtual servers Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 2 months PatTzZ 10 years 2 months
SpamAssassin configuration Active Normal Bug report 5 10 years 2 months info8 10 years 2 months
Ghost Install Script Errors Active Normal Bug report 38 10 years 2 months mgreene20 10 years 3 months
Two IPs for each virtual servers ? Active Normal Support request 3 10 years 2 months vincen 10 years 2 months
SMTP Restrictions (formerly SMTP Tweak) Active Normal Feature request 8 10 years 2 months Mostafa 10 years 2 months
cannot yum install mercurial Active Normal Support request 4 10 years 2 months responsiveny 10 years 2 months
Mail sent to google/outlook goes to spam/junk using postfix Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 2 months mn3250 10 years 2 months
Virtualmin Upgrade 50 to 100 Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months acid 10 years 3 months
Virtualmin renewed Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months acid 10 years 3 months
Allow apache2 or nginx Active Normal Bug report 1 10 years 3 months pcfreak30 10 years 3 months on one machine and info@mydomain on another Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months goran.bladh3 10 years 3 months
incorrect joomla version in virtualmin install scripts Active Normal Bug report 5 10 years 3 months bijoor 10 years 3 months
Support for Amazon Linux AMI 2013.xx.xx ? Active Normal Feature request 12 10 years 3 months bigwombat 10 years 4 months
Dovecot is not accepting a new SSL certificate Active Normal Bug report 7 10 years 3 months yngens 10 years 4 months
mod_fcgid: can't apply process slot for /home/psea/fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months rkomar 10 years 3 months
Virtualmin install fails: Error Downloading Packages Active Normal Bug report 12 10 years 3 months Jack in a Box 10 years 3 months
How to apply re-new order number to serial number of a virtualmin server Active Normal Task 1 10 years 3 months virtualminldwms 10 years 3 months
Virtualmin renewed Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months acid 10 years 3 months
Virtualmin "sysprep" Active Normal Support request 5 10 years 3 months Lucian 10 years 3 months
Virtualmin License upgrade not applied Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months rfitting 10 years 3 months
procmail mail size limit Active Normal Support request 4 10 years 3 months adlsrl 10 years 4 months
IPCCommTimeout Active Normal Bug report 21 10 years 3 months helpmin 11 years 11 months
domain show up as default but not when called directly Active Normal Support request 3 10 years 4 months dukejustice 10 years 4 months
Bounces due to old domain name Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 4 months okohll 10 years 4 months
Did you get my payment? Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 4 months wwiblinjr 10 years 4 months
Autoreply sends errors as message to the sender Active Normal Bug report 1 10 years 4 months selvanair 10 years 4 months
Configure ServerTemplate Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 4 months veind1987 10 years 4 months
Postfix Problem Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 4 months veind1987 10 years 4 months


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