Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created goes into endless loop (100% CPU) when user not found Active Normal Bug report 11 7 years 3 months dboone 12 years 6 months
Failed backup of Virtualmin because of another backup with same PID Active Normal Bug report 9 7 years 3 months applejack 7 years 3 months
Backup Logs Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 3 months tpnsolutions 7 years 3 months
PHP-FPM support was not detected : No FPM configuration directory found Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 3 months pratam02 7 years 5 months
Creating TAR file of home directory .. .. TAR failed! cat: write error: No space left on device Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 3 months microware 7 years 3 months
Letsencrypt Certificate for www vhost Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 3 months gnilebein 7 years 3 months
bad RSA signature Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 3 months alpeshtk 7 years 3 months
DKIM signature is not valid Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 3 months alpeshtk 7 years 3 months
Apache AllowOverride None not working Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 3 months moimichel 7 years 3 months
question PHP upgrade from 5.59 to 5.6 Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 3 months info@orderlastm... 7 years 3 months
Failing to clone Virtual Server Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 3 months Padisha 7 years 3 months
how to increase # of backup server action, seems for now the limit is 3 Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 3 months info@orderlastm... 7 years 3 months
Let's Encrypte seems to demand the zone be locally hosted, which is weird. Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 3 months Joe 7 years 3 months
Wrong certificate for Virtualmin (port 10000) Active Normal Bug report 4 7 years 3 months creeble 7 years 3 months
autoconfig.xml Needs work Normal Bug report 4 7 years 3 months Steffan 7 years 3 months
Backing up individual sites could be easier Active Normal Feature request 2 7 years 3 months VuOnline 7 years 3 months
new virtual server SSL apache listen wildcard Needs review Normal Bug report 5 7 years 3 months munsking 7 years 3 months
Connection rejected. Reverse DNS for 96.5x.8x.x1x does not exist. Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 3 months paulfromsurrey 7 years 3 months
Debian9/stretch support Active Normal Feature request 8 7 years 3 months support@rimuhos... 7 years 4 months
Scheduled backups always tries to backup all servers, ignores 'only backup selected' option Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 3 months VuOnline 7 years 3 months
FTP? Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 3 months insperia 7 years 4 months
Problem with mysql when trying to migrate a site Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 4 months MTUser2012 7 years 4 months
multiple php version (7 and 5.6) with ubuntu 16.04 Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 4 months moimichel 7 years 4 months
Redirection issue of Sub-domain Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 4 months ArunPrasad 7 years 4 months
The PHP CGI cannot be accessed directly. Active Normal Support request 8 7 years 4 months zeddenit 7 years 5 months
httpd.conf "listen <ipaddress>:443 directive added when setting up a webmin/virtulamin EC2 instance- and I can't figure out where/how/why Active Normal Bug report 10 7 years 4 months h2ojunkie 7 years 4 months
Virtualmin Professional Monthly Subscription? Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 4 months tellis 7 years 4 months
Allow Edit Directives in Nginx configuration of Virtualmin interface like in Apache web server Active Normal Feature request 1 7 years 4 months Murz 7 years 4 months
Patch breaks Virtualmin and Webmin Active Normal Bug report 5 7 years 4 months sebholmes 7 years 4 months
Let's Encrypt DNS challenge fails Active Normal Bug report 12 7 years 4 months ronnikc 7 years 4 months
Clamd in virtualmin repo very old version. Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 4 months george.asenov 7 years 4 months
Redhat 7 / php7 and httpd24 Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 4 months r3chn3r 7 years 4 months
Renamed Subdomain Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 4 months Vince42 7 years 4 months
Problem to make new SSL certificates for new sites with VirtualMin and let's encrypt Active Normal Support request 14 7 years 4 months owinorway 7 years 4 months
Fresh Virtualmin 6 install fails CentOS7 Active Normal Bug report 7 7 years 4 months jackalyst 7 years 4 months
Saving Email Templates or Canned Responses (for sending server-wide maintenance notifications) Active Normal Feature request 1 7 years 4 months exius 7 years 4 months
"Email Server Owners" not visible in Vmin sidebar menu Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 4 months exius 7 years 4 months
Error: Missing or invalid From address (sending within Email Server Owners) Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 4 months exius 7 years 4 months
Virtualmin error Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 4 months lduarte009 7 years 4 months
Postfix/Dovecot email address transformation bidirectional? Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 4 months jabowery 7 years 4 months
Phpbb Mysql name of database Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 4 months uinfor 7 years 4 months
Grant the MySQL permission to another existed user Active Normal Task 1 7 years 4 months LeGiangAnh 7 years 4 months
Incorrect assertion that "mod_php" is being used. Active Normal Bug report 8 7 years 4 months jabowery 7 years 5 months
Create new Virtual Server / Sub-Server as account owner Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 4 months dskrivseth 7 years 4 months
Webmail just show up blank page after install Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 4 months mikkelbas 7 years 4 months
Preview Website doesn't work with 5.07.gpl Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 4 months Badidon 7 years 4 months
Command line virtualmin "delete-domain" does not remove awstats cron job Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 5 months Jason at eROI 7 years 5 months
Web logs are included in backups even though "Include log files" is unchecked Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 5 months panayotb 7 years 5 months
secure email Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 5 months ttaylor57 7 years 5 months
Default LetsEncrypt size is 4096 but that won't work with GCE Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 5 months isdahlc 7 years 5 months


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