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Project Summary Status Priority Category Repliessort ascending Last updated Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Roundcube security issue Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers cPanel Migration not Importing MySQL Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Day '29' out of range 1..28 at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/ line 2980 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Webmin Core Translation for Virtualmin/Webmin/Usermin to German Active Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Problems with Mobile Device Theme on Opera Mini Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Problems with virtualmin afther clean install Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers MySQL Database creation during import from cPanel Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Disable PHP Configuration for Users Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers changing servers Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Unable to load Mysql data using backup restore Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Upgrade ?? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Dovecot misconfigured during initial Virtualmin installation Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backups of domain attempts to backup same DB from both mysql and postgres Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Add Succeeded or Failed information to subject line of virtual server scheduled backups Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin reporting that it is running on 3 servers, but it's not Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers "Relay access denied" for email received (using @ in mailbox usernames) Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers error adding new email address Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Webmin Core Cluster slave dns servers not working Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers View website via Webmin shouldn't be a Pro-only feature Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers How to restrict the size of procmail.cache.pag? Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers bcc email feature does not update postfix correctly Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Disk quota used keep growing after delete and re-migrate Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Disk quota used keep growing after delete and re-migrate Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers can't from logrotate Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Quota Warn email to a user Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Ruby Gems mondule missing ? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers virtualmin-base 1.0-20 for Debian? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers TCP Sweep Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Webmin Core Submitting Bug from Virtualmin should log it Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Testing one two three Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Testing one two three four Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Webmin Core VM2 can't checklicense Yum can't connect Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Typing server IP takes me to subdomain Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Accidently stopped browser when upgrading from Virtualmin to Virtualmin Pro Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Messed up server -- need advice Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers How/where are AWS keys stored? Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backup to S3 fails when AWS account does not own bucket (but still has read/write access) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers When typing server IP subdirectory comes up Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Auto try to restart services at failures Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backup to SSH server failes without remote /tmp directory Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Account Creation Error with MD5 Encryption Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers user.domain@domain.tld email Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Replace individual Horde components with Horde Groupware Webmail Edition Closed (fixed) Normal Task 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Webmin Core unable to run cgi scripts Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers PHP Version configuration screen allows errors Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Backup of virtual servers Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers backup/restore of VM Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Clamd not running Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Apache Error - looking for google analytics perl file Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers can't ssh into EC2 Virtualmin Pro instance launched via AWS Management Console Closed (fixed) Normal Support request 15 years 10 months 15 years 10 months


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