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Project Summary Status Priority Category Repliessort descending Last updated Assigned to Created
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Restore default settings script desired.. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin not updating on Fedora Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Dovecot not installed on RHEL 3 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Webmin Core Problem with disk quota module Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers cPanel migration does not set correct permissions on home dir Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Spelling error in Migrate Virtual Server screen Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Webmin Core SpamAssassin module gives spurious error when used with Virtualmin Pro Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Sort domain list by domain Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 8 months 18 years 8 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers host name not recognized as fully qualified Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers ClamAV 0.88 Released on 1/9/2006 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Virtualmin virtual-server module not updating Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Enabled SSL breaks Apache Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Access Forbidden (cgi-bin) Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers awstats not available message wrong Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers proftpd misconfigured in suse10.0 and others. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Proftpd error when trying to turn it on Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Create PostgresSQL database? Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Script Error during update of ProFtpd Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Disk quotas disables after virtualmin config. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Variable substitution in /etc/skel files Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Make Virtualmin more friendly to pre-assigned IPs Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers PHP4 Package Dependencies Broken Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Cannot write to directory at ../ line 825. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Error: Missing Dependency: wbt-virtual-server Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Error: Missing Dependency: wbt-virtual-server Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers CSR bug with custom key size Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Permission Denied on New User Mail! Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Ftp Account/User Managemend Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Sub-domains created with wrong Apache docroot Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers The plugin DAV Login cannot be used : The Apache mod_dav module must be installed before DAV can be Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers proftp/ftp does not properly authenticat (work) on Centos 4.2 / x86_64 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers cPanel import error: Can't coerce array into hash at ./ line 464. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Mailman module uses wrong path on Fedora Core 4 Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Cannot write to directory at ../ line 834. Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Installed modules not shown with the same version in webmin / yast Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Webmin Core Change Bootup and Shutdown status don't work Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Migrate Server Cpanel Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Alias domain options missing help in server templates Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Script installer for osCommerce Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers scriptlet failed message during installation Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Usermin Core Error on enabling ssh Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Usermin Core Error message on Change Password Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers httpd.conf error Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Webmin Core Minor issue in GRUB Boot Loader module Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Deleted databases aren't removed from list Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Webmin Core Bootup and Shutdown services chkconfig stuff not quite right Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers RFE: Database startstop buttons Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 7 months 18 years 7 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers clamav problems aborts install Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 6 months 18 years 6 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers Add a menu of remote installation sources for SUSE Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 6 months 18 years 6 months
Webmin Core ProFTPD module not working correctly Closed (fixed) Normal Bug report 18 years 6 months 18 years 6 months


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