Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summarysort descending Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
Account quota enforcement on mysql file-level halts entire mysql server Active Normal Bug report 16 13 years 8 months beat 14 years 7 months
Add "Install Scripts" as Real-time performance monitoring Active Major Feature request 5 7 years 7 months Kangarooo 8 years 3 months
Add --staging option to generate-letsencrypt-cert command Active Normal Feature request 3 7 years 7 months geoffoliver 7 years 7 months
Add a command after creating or deleting a virtual server Active Normal Feature request 1 6 years 5 months mlkoekenberg 6 years 5 months
Add a description field to server templates Active Normal Feature request 6 years 5 months imcdona 6 years 5 months
Add ASSP as part of anti-spam solution on Virtualmin Active Normal Feature request 5 10 years 7 months isdahlc 10 years 7 months
Add Cgroup Limit Option to Plans Active Normal Feature request 9 7 years 2 months volk 7 years 3 months
Add destination to backup email notification subject Active Normal Feature request 3 9 years 9 months Joe 9 years 9 months
Add django CMS to installer scripts Active Normal Feature request 1 8 years 1 month jorgecardenas1 8 years 1 month
Add IP Whitelist to Fail2Ban jail.conf From Virtualmin Pro Active Normal Support request 3 6 years 5 months stmiklogika 6 years 5 months
Add MySQL 8 Support Active Normal Feature request 1 5 years 4 months webmandman 5 years 4 months
Add MySQL Database feature fail on Virtual Server setting Active Normal Bug report 24 5 years 1 month VirtualminTomsshk1 7 years 3 weeks
Add net2ftp to script installer Active Normal Feature request 2 12 years 11 months Mostafa 12 years 12 months
Add new HDD to Azure VM and set RAID 0 under home directory Active Normal Task 18 8 years 11 months LeGiangAnh 8 years 11 months
Add new user does not offer option for SSH -- unable to force SFTP for new users Active Normal Bug report 8 11 years 5 months katir 11 years 6 months
Add new users - Database issues Active Normal Bug report 5 4 years 10 months dcmoody 5 years 3 days
Add options for pm for PHP-FPM execution mode Active Normal Feature request 2 6 years 10 months Joe 6 years 10 months
Add Prestashop script installer to Virtualmin Active Minor Feature request 7 3 years 6 months jorgecardenas1 8 years 5 months
Add Railo support to Virtualmin Active Normal Feature request 5 13 years 2 months isdahlc 13 years 6 months
Add Sftp as a backup option Active Normal Feature request 3 13 years 6 months sgrayban 13 years 6 months
Add SSH keys for Users on One Domain (Virtual Server) Active Normal Support request 3 4 years 7 months katir 4 years 7 months
Add ssh keys to users Active Normal Feature request 5 4 years 4 months daniel 4 years 4 months
add users account with multiple email subaccounts Active Normal Feature request 10 13 years 4 months SteveAcup 13 years 4 months
Add virtual server vars to backup names Active Normal Feature request 5 13 years 3 months kencl 13 years 3 months
Added FTP accounts do not work Active Normal Support request 3 11 years 5 months securewebs 11 years 5 months
Added SSL Cert, now unauthenticated and can't log in to Active Normal Support request 7 14 years 10 months rbraver@oklahom... 14 years 10 months
adding alias and forward to another email address creates error Active Critical Bug report 4 8 years 5 months sgrayban 8 years 5 months
Adding an IP for use as second nameserver only Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 1 month lewisjenkins 13 years 1 month
Adding IP# and switching client from shared IP to it Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 10 months ktc 11 years 10 months
Adding more licence's Active Normal Support request 9 13 years 11 months Shirehosting 14 years 2 days
Adding or removing a virtual server resets the groups of all users Active Normal Bug report 7 8 years 4 months mikerobinson 8 years 9 months
Adding Second HDD in the home directory Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 10 months tomattos 7 years 10 months
adding slave zone failed with Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 10 months web_support@web... 7 years 10 months
Adding slave zone failes Active Normal Support request 17 7 years 10 months wohlford 7 years 11 months
Adding to email domains list ..Mail for domain failed! : SQL insert failed : Duplicate entry '' for key 'PRIMARY' at /usr/share/webmin/ line 1433 Active Normal Support request 6 6 years 7 months Markoamb 6 years 10 months
Adding users to databases PgSQL MySQL within Virtual Server menu Active Normal Feature request 1 15 years 1 month 15 years 1 month
Additional information on Server Summary and Edit Server page Active Normal Feature request 2 10 years 5 months isdahlc 10 years 5 months
Additional MySQL servers to create users on Active Normal Support request 3 12 years 9 months timmy 12 years 9 months
Additional user to a single virtual server. He can not see the other virtual servers. Active Normal Task 1 7 years 10 months piotr.kijkowski 7 years 10 months
Addon Hard Disk Drive not reading Active Normal Bug report 9 6 years 4 months PresPhuture 6 years 5 months
Aditional users for virtualmin have wrong group Needs work Normal Bug report 5 years 4 months ben_tvpp 5 years 4 months
admin (root) accessing awstats Active Normal Support request 4 11 years 3 months responsiveny 11 years 3 months
Admin and Webmail Redirect Configuration Active Normal Support request 9 6 years 3 weeks Vince42 8 years 3 months
Admin and Webmail Redirects for Mail-Only Domain Active Normal Bug report 1 12 years 6 months sonoracomm 12 years 6 months
admin group creation failure with ldap Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 8 months Yichalal 9 years 8 months
Administration user : Unix group XYZ's quota of 1024 MB does not match the virtual server's quota of 10 GB Active Normal Bug report 1 11 years 4 months blackfox 11 years 4 months
administrator locked out of webmin/virtualmin Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 11 months laurencefass 9 years 11 months
After 10/18 upgrade (virtualmin, webmin), new virtual host *always* gets ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Active Normal Support request 7 4 years 9 months hoogs 4 years 9 months
After adding virtual site apache root process crashes rotating logs and eventually all apache processes halt. Active Normal Bug report 1 11 years 8 months dshewmaker 11 years 8 months
After enabling mail relay, mail is still delivered in mailboxes Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 3 months mlkoekenberg 14 years 3 months


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