Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned tosort descending Created
Unable to uninstall/reinstall programs from the install scripts. Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 10 months DonPeek 14 years 10 months
Joomla Updates not reading.. Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 1 month DonPeek 7 years 1 month
Problem with restore.. Active Normal Bug report 10 9 years 6 months DonPeek 9 years 7 months
Bind Issues when disabling websites. Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 1 month DonPeek 7 years 1 month
Feature Request.. Active Normal Feature request 1 10 years 11 months DonPeek 10 years 11 months
Virtualmin license . Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 10 months DonPeek 12 years 10 months
ProFTPD authentication failure Active Normal Bug report 44 9 years 7 months DonPeek 15 years 1 month
php5-mysql not on Centos6.4 New install and moved servers.. Active Normal Support request 14 10 years 12 months DonPeek 11 years 2 months
Please let us browse to the file to edit in the "Edit web pages". Active Normal Feature request 18 8 years 3 months DonPeek 8 years 8 months
Backups fail to delete old backups from Dropbox Active Normal Support request 3 8 years 9 months dotperformance 8 years 9 months
Centos 6, Virtualmin & LDAP Active Normal Support request 5 11 years 7 months double6 11 years 9 months
Wrong OS detected Active Normal Bug report 2 5 years 5 months Doug Baxter 5 years 5 months
DNS restart error due to dkim selector Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 4 months douwebergwerf 7 years 4 months
Virtual Email shows on webmin even when everything is disabled Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 7 4 years 10 months dowell22 4 years 10 months
Virtualmin-nginx: Adding new virtual host - Perl execution failed Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 5 3 years 7 months dowell22 4 years 9 months
Failed to install script : Could not find PHP version Active Normal Bug report 2 6 years 7 months dpark77 6 years 7 months
Phpmyadmin installation - Failed to install script : Could not find PHP version for /home/domain-name/public_html/ Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 8 3 years 4 months dpark77 3 years 4 months
Install Fails Centos 5.6 Active Normal Task 4 13 years 2 months dpjennings 13 years 2 months
Rspam confuses Virtualmin Configuration check Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 7 months dploeger 7 years 7 months
Error: Failed to save mailbox : Failed to open PID file Active Normal Bug report 2 12 years 10 months dragona 12 years 10 months
Unable to install Joomla from script Active Normal Support request 3 12 years 7 months dragona 12 years 7 months
Feature to look for php scripts sending spam Active Normal Feature request 6 4 years 5 months 6 years 10 months
PHP try catch not working Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 4 months drahcir77 9 years 4 months
ISSUE - Command to run after making changes to a server Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 11 months dreamjam 10 years 11 months
Yum not processing update Active Normal Bug report 3 11 years 11 months drewament 11 years 11 months
Server description is combined with user real name Active Normal Bug report 1 10 years 3 months drguild 10 years 3 months
Re-order server list Active Normal Feature request 1 10 years 3 months drguild 10 years 3 months
Login problem for Virtualmin GPL Active Normal Support request 7 13 years 10 months driversmoore 13 years 10 months
Restore failed : Failed to open Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 10 months drominore 15 years 8 months
mark current sction i nthe left-frame Active Normal Feature request 1 11 years 8 months drori 11 years 8 months
Mysql permissions are not granted when creating a new virtual-server Active Normal Bug report 1 11 years 5 months drori 11 years 5 months
DB-user's password is not shown during server creation Active Normal Feature request 1 11 years 8 months drori 11 years 8 months
Edit User -> "Other User Permissions": the option doesn't open Active Normal Bug report 2 11 years 5 months drori 11 years 5 months
virtualmin scheduled backups not backing up mysql Active Normal Bug report 2 13 years 7 months ds123 13 years 7 months
After adding virtual site apache root process crashes rotating logs and eventually all apache processes halt. Active Normal Bug report 1 11 years 10 months dshewmaker 11 years 10 months
Create new Virtual Server / Sub-Server as account owner Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 3 months dskrivseth 7 years 3 months
New install stuck on installing mysql configuration (/etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.mysqld) Active Normal Bug report 1 10 years 1 month dsosin 10 years 1 month
no license details Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 9 months duckettm 14 years 9 months
moving server results in problem Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 9 months dukejustice 14 years 9 months
cannot restore backup reseller doesn't exist Active Normal Bug report 9 10 years 8 months dukejustice 10 years 8 months
2 questions on available option Active Normal Bug report 6 13 years 11 months dukejustice 13 years 11 months
domain show up as default but not when called directly Active Normal Support request 3 10 years 6 months dukejustice 10 years 6 months
webalizer reports not compiling after downgrade Active Normal Bug report 16 13 years 3 weeks dukejustice 13 years 1 month
server tempalte substitution not working Active Normal Bug report 14 8 years 5 months dukejustice 8 years 5 months
Dovecot new emails have wrong permission Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 8 months dukejustice 7 years 8 months
Max: 2,048KiB Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 1 week dumorim 13 years 1 week
virtualmin parent server creation Active Normal Support request 4 12 years 10 months durale 12 years 10 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers doesnot send emails Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 1 month durgesh1610 7 years 1 month
Letsencrypt Intermediate chain Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 1 3 years 7 months durimi 3 years 7 months
Virtual Host has TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 disabled by default Active Normal Bug report 8 7 years 8 months dve1957i8519 7 years 8 months


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