Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Createdsort descending
All domains goto /var/www/html/ Active Normal Support request 5 13 years 5 months patmaherjfm 13 years 5 months
No reverse DNS Active Normal Bug report 3 13 years 5 months 13 years 5 months
Spamassassin error on config check Active Normal Support request 9 13 years 2 months dino 13 years 5 months
procmail command died with status 241 Active Normal Bug report 3 13 years 4 months ming1340 13 years 4 months
Users Passwords after Restore Active Normal Support request 15 13 years 4 months izoox 13 years 4 months
Firefox 4.0 (linux) bug Active Normal Bug report 8 13 years 4 months sgrayban 13 years 4 months
Autoreply shows as coming from postmaster@ Active Normal Support request 2 13 years 4 months isdahlc 13 years 4 months
how to enable (only) sftp access for a single folder Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 6 months newcraft 13 years 4 months
DNS setup of sub-domain does not work as documented. Active Normal Bug report 4 13 years 4 months ls4680 13 years 4 months
When I install Virtuimin Dns Resolving Fails Active Normal Support request 10 13 years 4 months hatchetheavyhaul 13 years 4 months
awstat is not working Active Normal Support request 5 13 years 4 months paulfromsurrey 13 years 4 months
How to make apache installed through virtualmin make more secure Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 4 months abdulshemeer163 13 years 4 months
Modifying user home directory Active Normal Support request 23 12 years 9 months teamfighter 13 years 4 months
Scheduled backup fails; manual works Active Normal Bug report 3 13 years 4 months SteveHeinsch 13 years 4 months
Utilising a Secondary GPL server Active Normal Support request 6 13 years 4 months Shirehosting 13 years 4 months
Bulk creation of virtual server Active Normal Support request 10 13 years 4 months impire 13 years 4 months
How to migrate a virtual min server. Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 4 months abdulshemeer163 13 years 4 months
Apache communication error Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 4 months abdulshemeer163 13 years 4 months
Add virtual server vars to backup names Active Normal Feature request 5 13 years 4 months kencl 13 years 4 months
CentOS 5.6 Upgrade: CPU load increases and server becomes unresponsive Active Normal Support request 13 13 years 3 months tellis 13 years 4 months
Virtualmin 3.81 Package Updates is missing Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 4 months rodger43 13 years 4 months
Problem enabling PowerDNS Active Normal Bug report 12 13 years 4 months impire 13 years 4 months
Database Backup Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 4 months kgeorj 13 years 4 months
Webmin 1.550 bootup support breaks Virtualmin boot scripts Active Normal Bug report 1 13 years 4 months datenimperator 13 years 4 months
SVN per-path access rights Active Normal Feature request 11 13 years 4 months Locutus 13 years 4 months
Bandwidth/Speed limitation? Active Normal Support request 5 13 years 4 months impire 13 years 4 months
System monitoring graph Active Normal Feature request 1 13 years 4 months impire 13 years 4 months
error whmcs and virtualmin Active Normal Bug report 18 13 years 3 months witoszek 13 years 4 months
Remote duplication Active Normal Support request 2 13 years 3 months andrewrimmer 13 years 3 months
Deactivate Suhosin Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 3 months jfquestiaux 13 years 3 months
Default Virtual host Active Normal Support request 5 13 years 3 months ccrymes 13 years 3 months
Postgrey Active Normal Support request 2 13 years 3 months clwheatley 13 years 3 months
Problem Getting Mailman Lists to Send Active Normal Support request 6 13 years 3 months pacolvin 13 years 3 months
Split Mail Domain Active Normal Support request 5 13 years 3 months sonoracomm 13 years 3 months
Migration of virtualmin config and sites between servers Active Normal Support request 4 13 years 3 months novoops 13 years 3 months
Apache fails to restart Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months 13 years 3 months
PHP configuration Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months 13 years 3 months
Multiple websites behind firewall Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months e150bucket 13 years 3 months
want to re-purchase but can't install on my server ... Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months 13 years 3 months
git module bugs Active Normal Bug report 6 13 years 3 months helpmin 13 years 3 months
Command line API with CRON Active Normal Feature request 3 13 years 3 months herisson.thomas 13 years 3 months
/tmp directory is mounted noexec. Installation cannot continue. Active Normal Support request 25 6 years 1 month moonpeach 13 years 3 months
How do i site preview by IP? Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 3 months timmy 13 years 3 months
Can the user mail be stripped out? Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 3 months securewebs 13 years 3 months
is there a way to completely backup my linux system with all servers? Active Normal Bug report 21 12 years 7 months ssomu007 13 years 3 months
Backups don't include public_html if "Backup all features" is checked Active Normal Bug report 5 13 years 3 months flip79 13 years 3 months
500 Error Executing CGI Script Active Normal Support request 2 13 years 3 months gl3ny 13 years 3 months
License Question Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months pacolvin 13 years 3 months
DKIM Public Key Not in Email Header Active Normal Support request 24 13 years 3 months gl3ny 13 years 3 months
Large file download. Active Normal Support request 11 13 years 3 months mike8 13 years 3 months


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