Issues for Webmin Core

Summarysort ascending Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
IPv6 connectivity Active Normal Support request 2 11 years 6 months Ilia 11 years 6 months
Iptables rules - easy export feature? Active Normal Feature request 3 12 years 5 months rulez22 12 years 7 months
Invalid characters in FTP server password Active Normal Bug report 1 14 years 2 months arjones85 14 years 2 months
Installing mcrypt on Centos 7 (and other PHP issues) Active Normal Bug report 17 7 years 3 months h4ns3n 7 years 4 months
Installation fails on Oracle Solaris 11.2 (SPARC) Active Normal Bug report 7 9 years 6 months rcarlos 9 years 6 months
installation fails on ARM Active Normal Feature request 2 12 years 1 month ronald 12 years 1 month
install Error with Virtualmin GPL install script Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 8 months webmin_cnwz 9 years 8 months
InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot allocate memory for the buffer pool Active Normal Support request 3 6 years 8 months h4ns3n 6 years 8 months
Incorrect links in Postfix section Active Normal Bug report 1 8 years 12 months ADDISON74 8 years 12 months
incoming spam to user accounts forwarded to gmail - gmail blocks my smtp server Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 7 months BCEnclave 7 years 7 months
In which perl framework is webmin written into? Active Normal Support request 5 9 years 6 months topstarnetwork 9 years 6 months
In Server Templates if username format is set to "username@domain", changing domain name of virtual server results in error "Mail for domain failed!" Active Normal Bug report 5 4 years 8 months vishnunn 5 years 4 months
Imap on outlook 2013+ xlist / enhanced list Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 3 months tfhelp 7 years 3 months
IfModule itk.c. vs suexec Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 4 months Ilia 11 years 4 months
Ideal Firewall Policy Advice Active Minor Support request 6 8 years 3 months 8 years 3 months
I cannot update mySQL server Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 2 months yaminz66 11 years 2 months
I "copied SSL to Webmin" and now I cannot access Webmin/Virtualmin due to bad certificate since I cant access the port with domain name vs ip Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 11 months thewarriorsdojo 7 years 11 months
How to use Protected Sky's RBL with SpamAssassin Active Minor Support request 1 8 years 5 months jorgecardenas1 8 years 5 months
How to Setup SMTP Service? Active Normal Support request 7 7 years 2 months DreamStage 7 years 2 months
How to set up SMTP Smarthost with user/pass Active Normal Support request 2 6 years 12 months binary64 6 years 12 months
How to LDAP authentication without nss_ldap? Active Normal Support request 16 9 years 10 months kindnation 10 years 6 months
how to know the cron job is running without error..... Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 8 months info@orderlastm... 7 years 8 months
How to install PHP libraries Active Normal Support request 13 13 years 7 months jfquestiaux 13 years 7 months
How to automatically refresh Webmin updates Active Normal Bug report 1 5 years 11 months yngens 5 years 11 months
Hostnames not being handled correctly if domain|search not found in resolv.conf Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 1 4 years 4 months noisemarine 4 years 4 months
Help setting up a 3 server system (1 client webhosting and 2 name servers) Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 4 months adamjedgar 7 years 4 months
Held back/locked packages should be ignored Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 5 4 years 11 months sgrayban 4 years 11 months
Handle network configuration on systemd/debian Active Normal Bug report 13 5 years 10 months xorax 6 years 5 months
Grub2 now the default Active Normal Bug report 20 7 years 8 months sgrayban 13 years 6 months
Grub2 Active Normal Support request 20 10 years 5 months danfix 10 years 5 months
Google Authenticator / 2Factor Auth won't work once enabled. Active Normal Bug report 4 7 years 2 months soydemadrid 7 years 9 months
Global Email Deletion Settings Possible? Active Normal Feature request 2 7 years 5 months stan 7 years 5 months
FTP from outside the network? Active Normal Support request 13 5 years 10 months nickolasnikolic 5 years 10 months
FTP Backup stops at 1024bytes Active Normal Bug report 3 11 years 1 month pridefiles 11 years 1 month
Freebsd 10.1 +Ipfilter 5.1.2 parsing error Active Normal Bug report 12 4 years 5 months DaveOverton 9 years 6 months
Flaky D-Bus with dbus.exceptions.DBusException Active Normal Bug report 5 5 years 2 months Rory Bremner 5 years 3 months
Firewalld module is borked WRT default zone Needs review Normal Bug report 4 7 years 3 months Joe 7 years 3 months
Firewall rules editing - improvement Active Normal Feature request 9 8 years 11 months ADDISON74 8 years 11 months
Firewall Preference Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 2 months brucelet 14 years 2 months
Filesystem Backup: Removing leading slashes Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 7 months Vince42 7 years 7 months
Filesystem Backup Priority Active Normal Feature request 3 8 years 4 months Vince42 8 years 4 months
Filesystem Backup over SSH - Error Checking and Interface Updates Active Normal Bug report 4 9 years 5 months ADobkin 9 years 5 months
Filesystem backup fails Active Normal Bug report 4 14 years 10 months arjones85 14 years 10 months
Filemin won't extract zip and tar.gz files Active Critical Bug report 16 6 years 1 month hinhthoi 8 years 3 months
Filemin Upload from URL Active Normal Feature request 1 8 years 6 months pcfreak30 8 years 6 months
Filemanager Java Certificate Problem Active Normal Bug report 7 14 years 6 months pban02 15 years 7 months
File not found after changing to authentic theme Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 12 months just_me 7 years 12 months
file manager still doesn't work Active Normal Bug report 1 10 years 1 month CoralAtlas 10 years 1 month
File Manager no displaying Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 1 month 9 years 1 month
File manager editor character set Active Normal Bug report 11 12 years 1 month Mostafa 12 years 1 month


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