Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Categorysort ascending Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
I need to enable a secondary DNS Active Normal Support request 31 12 years 2 months orangehand 12 years 2 months
Two Virtualmin license renewals Active Normal Support request 3 8 years 12 months glenvistalabs 8 years 12 months
Coupon email Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 1 week mhagen 8 years 3 weeks
New kernel updates Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 1 week cyrus 12 years 1 week
Disable IPv6 for all services Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 10 months ADDISON74 8 years 10 months
zone default for new virtual servers.... Active Normal Support request 2 12 years 12 months timmy 12 years 12 months
Small question about the DNS configuration Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 8 months scraffe 9 years 8 months
user home quota question Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 11 months hescominsoon 7 years 11 months
Install multiple versions of mcrypt - one for pHP 5.3 and one for pHP4 Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 6 months username9 9 years 6 months
SPAM Delivery and Filtering Rules Active Normal Support request 15 5 years 3 months sonoracomm 13 years 10 months
awstats error Active Normal Support request 2 10 years 5 months bislinks 10 years 5 months
Lost electricity during upgrading Ubuntu 16.04.1 Active Normal Support request 53 7 years 9 months LeGiangAnh 7 years 9 months
Virtualmin Adoption (Licensing Question) Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 10 months Exoware 14 years 10 months
Job for Fixing Sending Mail for a stock virtualmin CentOS server Active Normal Support request 3 11 years 7 months Dominic Tey 11 years 8 months
Update /Upgrade Active Critical Support request 9 8 years 6 months customerservice 8 years 6 months
Get IPv6 to work in Virtualmin Active Normal Support request 23 12 years 5 months Fredrik-s 12 years 8 months
Backup Failed - Amazon's S3 service - Empty response to HTTP request Needs work Normal Support request 12 4 years 6 months xkeywee 9 years 5 months
php 5.2.14 drew blood Active Normal Support request 7 13 years 8 months 13 years 8 months
Virtualmin renewed Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 3 months acid 10 years 3 months
Google Cloud Storage Failed to get initial OAuth2 token : Missing Perl module JSON::PP Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 8 months securewebs 7 years 8 months
Procmail errors in log Active Normal Support request 8 8 years 4 months ADDISON74 8 years 4 months
Fatal: unknown configuration directive 'VRootEngine' on line 16 of '/etc/proftpd.conf' Active Normal Support request 11 12 years 6 months 12 years 6 months
Command was not found Active Normal Support request 2 10 years 1 month rfitting 10 years 1 month
Update virtual server certificates from API without restarting apache Fixed (pending) Normal Support request 2 5 years 2 months PatTzZ 5 years 2 months
clamav-filesystem conflicts with clamav Active Normal Support request 1 14 years 6 months Gibbons 14 years 6 months
exporting virtualmin servers Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 3 months wwiblinjr 11 years 3 months
PHP 5.6 Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 4 weeks eddieb 9 years 4 weeks
How do I add an existing secondary IP? Active Normal Support request 8 7 years 5 months gr8kodr 7 years 5 months
License Renewal Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 4 months spool 12 years 4 months
How to make apache installed through virtualmin make more secure Active Normal Support request 1 13 years 3 months abdulshemeer163 13 years 3 months
linode telling me not to use aliases in /etc/network/interfaces Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 11 months harty83 9 years 11 months
SFTP Error Active Normal Support request 12 14 years 3 months gte451f 14 years 3 months
Mail and the way it processed Active Normal Support request 14 11 years 1 month Ilia 11 years 2 months
Cannot use PHP mail to send email Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 11 months LeGiangAnh 8 years 11 months
Warning about mod_php execution Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 9 months jpenix 9 years 9 months
PHP isn't working for self-created virtualhost files Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 5 months ThomGO 7 years 5 months
Fail over server support Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 12 months it_onyxar 10 years 12 months
Wrong postfix configuration in virtual domain Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 11 months swamedida 7 years 12 months
Script installer You don't have permission to access Active Normal Support request 8 6 years 7 months ChrisKobasiuk 6 years 7 months
Virtualmin Unlimited Annual Renewal Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 7 months acid 9 years 7 months
I need to change public_html to just public for a script Active Normal Support request 3 4 years 4 days danwtsa 4 years 6 days
repomd.xml not found Active Normal Support request 3 10 years 9 months josse34 10 years 9 months
Slave zones not updating on one of three servers in cluster Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 10 months glimmung 7 years 10 months
Server Validation Error Active Normal Support request 4 6 years 3 months sonoracomm 6 years 3 months
Nginx and WPMU 404 not found errors for post, pages and content Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 8 months zcyck 11 years 8 months
Change of IP addresses Active Normal Support request 1 12 years 8 months paul.kelly 12 years 8 months
How to congfig PHP 7? Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 8 months LeGiangAnh 7 years 8 months
Issue with occasional email not displaying Active Normal Support request 1 11 years 6 months kevinrmanderson 11 years 6 months
Path to CGI-BIN is lost; CGI's will not fire Active Major Support request 7 8 years 5 months katir 8 years 5 months
How to create alias to file Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 2 months ttaylor57 7 years 2 months


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