Two Virtualmin license renewals

I just placed an order to renew two virtual min servers. Looks like the transactions went through for payment, but when I update the license in virtualmin shows "expired license".

The orders do not include the license key ids, but assume the are for my two servers, one for 50 one for 100.

Is there a delay from payment to update your license server, or is something I should do?

Thanks, John

Datesort icon Order # Status Products Total 07/31/2015 10532 Completed 1 $98.00 07/31/2015 10531 Completed 1 $65.00



Howdy -- I've applied your license extensions, thanks for renewing!

Thanks, updates work. I just bought one more, third server.

5558056 50VMs

Thanks, John

Developers of X2CRM - open source PHP CRM

Okay, all set -- thanks for using Virtualmin!