Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
FCGI and CGI errors - Suddenly occur - no server changes made Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 3 weeks kappler0 9 years 3 weeks
Subdomain for MediaWiki Active Normal Task 1 9 years 3 weeks LeGiangAnh 9 years 3 weeks
PHP not interpreting Active Normal Support request 9 9 years 3 weeks bislinks 9 years 3 weeks
Emails corrupt and a winmail.dat file attachment added for only one mail box Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 3 weeks RyanJohnson 9 years 3 weeks
Unable to login to virtualmin on port 10000 using IP Active Normal Support request 16 9 years 3 weeks bislinks 9 years 4 weeks
Cannot use PHP mail to send email Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 4 weeks LeGiangAnh 9 years 4 weeks
yum update not working Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 4 weeks allrounders 9 years 1 month
Flat areas in system statistics Active Normal Bug report 5 9 years 1 month expertdecisions 9 years 1 month
Dedicated Server being moved Active Normal Support request 10 9 years 1 month PureLoneWolf 9 years 1 month
licence error Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 1 month m.nouredine 9 years 1 month
can not log in to ssh Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 1 month paulfromsurrey 9 years 1 month
Multiple PHP Versions: PHP 7.0.0 not detected Active Normal Bug report 9 years 1 month fuerst 9 years 1 month
Outgoing mail not working on GoDaddy VPS Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 1 month bislinks 9 years 1 month
Alias server doesn't work Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Cannot change PHP configuration Active Normal Task 11 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Change script wording Active Normal Feature request 1 9 years 1 month jimdunn 9 years 1 month
Wrong disk space usage Active Normal Bug report 11 9 years 1 month Diabolico 9 years 1 month
Move virtual server to another server Active Normal Task 22 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Bulk disable apache/enable nginx Active Normal Feature request 4 9 years 1 month rubenz 9 years 1 month
/bin/php-cgi uses too much CPU Active Normal Support request 15 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Cannot back up virtual server Active Normal Bug report 14 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Apache fails to start Active Normal Support request 14 9 years 1 month Shirehosting 9 years 8 months
Add new HDD to Azure VM and set RAID 0 under home directory Active Normal Task 18 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Installation fails in Amazon Linux AMI 2015.03 Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 1 month idilio 9 years 1 month
Forced "Require all granted" Active Normal Bug report 16 9 years 1 month RyanJohnson 9 years 8 months
Cannot transfer file to nginx host Active Normal Bug report 12 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
installng zend and ioncube Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 1 month paulfromsurrey 9 years 1 month
Cannot create nginx virtual host Active Normal Bug report 10 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Subdomains of a private IP address fail Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 1 month philmck 9 years 1 month
mysql issues. Active Normal Support request 18 9 years 1 month ashleydrees 9 years 1 month
Cannot Install Virtualmin on CentOS 7 Active Normal Task 10 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
How to apply renewal? Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 1 month glimmung 9 years 1 month
Price for VM Lifetime unlimited changed? Active Normal Task 2 9 years 1 month impire 9 years 1 month
Removing SSL support from a domain on a private IP breaks email Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 1 month philmck 9 years 1 month
Switch from CentOS to Ubuntu Active Normal Task 1 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Cannot see create new server option Active Normal Bug report 6 9 years 1 month LeGiangAnh 9 years 1 month
Error: (Failed to query Postfix config command to get the current value of parameter recipient_bcc_maps) Active Normal Bug report 7 9 years 1 month ashleydrees 9 years 1 month
mod_cloudflare update error Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 1 month eddieb 9 years 2 months
Migrate Server feature doesn't enable MySQL even if there are databases Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 1 month RyouMisaki 9 years 1 month
outlook client autoconfiguration - ServerAlias autodiscover.{domain} not added to apache config Active Normal Feature request 2 9 years 2 months danblack 9 years 2 months
Updating Licenses Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 2 months ozziefish 9 years 2 months
Two Virtualmin license renewals Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 2 months glenvistalabs 9 years 2 months
Having problems with PHP and Apache, files downloaded as x-httpd-conf Active Normal Bug report 4 9 years 2 months RyouMisaki 9 years 2 months
outlook autoconfiguration doesn't push all the script aliases into the apache file Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 2 months danblack 9 years 2 months
Mail client config: wrong username Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 2 months SteveAcup 11 years 7 months
Lisencing and Subscription issues. Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 2 months devteam 9 years 2 months
Invalid PATH_INFO when viewing Webalizer Report from a site admin login Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 2 months franklai 9 years 2 months
FTP connect repeat .. upload failed! Failed to read reply to initial connection Active Normal Task 3 9 years 2 months masp 9 years 2 months
Can't install phpmyadmin Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 2 months RyouMisaki 9 years 2 months
Restore failing Active Normal Bug report 8 9 years 2 months Brook 9 years 2 months


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