Cannot see create new server option


When I click to Create Virtual Server, there is only Create Alias Server option. I need too create new one:

Thanks, Giang Anh



Howdy -- how many Virtual Servers and Sub-Servers are setup on your server now?

If you're using 10 Virtual servers (not including aliases), that could cause the issue you're seeing.

It looks like you have a Virtualmin 10 there, and once you add 10 Virtual Servers, the option to add more won't appear.

However, if there are any Virtual Servers you don't need, you could always remove them, which will cause the create option to show up again.


I found it. If I want to upgrade to 50 server license, do I need to pay 150$ or just $50 more?

It's done but I'm still not able to create new host. Do I need to wait?

I verified that your upgrade is active in your account... it may just take a moment to show up in Virtualmin.

Also, you can force Virtualmin to re-check the license by clicking the "Re-check Virtualmin license." button at the top-right of the System Information screen.

Already done and it works.

Thanks, Giang Anh