Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Server Validations Active Normal Support request 7 7 years 1 month masterg0g0 7 years 8 months
autoconfig.cgi created does not map mail server correctly Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 1 month pgordemer 7 years 4 months
Error when enabling SSL website on domain Active Normal Bug report 6 7 years 1 month creeble 7 years 1 month
Allow Apache and Nginx website together Active Normal Feature request 11 7 years 1 month Murz 7 years 4 months
CENTOS 7.4 in combi with XEN PV not rebooting Needs review Normal Bug report 3 7 years 1 month Jfro 7 years 1 month
Virtualmin breaking fcgid Active Major Support request 15 7 years 1 month AskewDread 8 years 4 months
Magento Install Script Active Normal Bug report 9 7 years 1 month singhdd 8 years 1 month
PHP-version change leads to apache config error Active Normal Bug report 4 7 years 1 month tfhelp 7 years 9 months
Git authentication failure Active Normal Bug report 12 7 years 1 month JEMEDIACORP 7 years 4 months
Ubuntu 16.04 gitweb.cgi gives error on page: "Software error: Can't use 'defined(@array)' (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) at gitweb.cgi line 1193." Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 1 month vincellc 7 years 10 months
Add options for pm for PHP-FPM execution mode Active Normal Feature request 2 7 years 1 month Joe 7 years 1 month
Virtualmin 6 install script and php-fpm Active Normal Bug report 13 7 years 1 month cruiskeen 7 years 2 months
Clone Template's apache&php problems Active Normal Bug report 8 7 years 1 month unsalkorkmaz 7 years 1 month
Creating a virtual server hangs at "Re-starting Webmin .." Active Normal Support request 13 7 years 1 month Nsis_licensing 7 years 2 months
Another Let's Encrypt Error Active Normal Bug report 17 7 years 1 month hescominsoon 7 years 5 months
Error Failed to install script : Another script is already installed in /home/username/public_html. Active Normal Feature request 2 7 years 1 month yngens 7 years 1 month
Apache ServerAliass Active Normal Support request 9 7 years 1 month craigh 7 years 1 month
DKIM signing doesn't seem to be working Active Normal Bug report 7 years 1 month Joe 7 years 1 month
Unique Visits Quota for Virtual Servers Active Normal Feature request 6 7 years 1 month yngens 7 years 10 months
Virtualmin installation file doesn't secure MySQL/MariaDB databases Active Normal Bug report 10 7 years 1 month yngens 7 years 11 months
Obsolete setting in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf:93: protocol { ssl_listen } has been replaced by service { inet_listener { address Active Normal Bug report 7 7 years 1 month sparticle 9 years 10 months
letsencrypt renew breaks dovecot? Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 1 month jabowery 7 years 2 months
Instead of Feng Office Active Normal Feature request 8 7 years 1 month info@orderlastm... 7 years 2 months
Bad HTTPS (443) IP in Apache virtualhost when changing virtual server shared IP in "Decide automatically" mode Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 1 month Niffo 7 years 2 months
Please add server name back to page title Active Normal Bug report 7 7 years 2 months isdahlc 7 years 2 months
Redirect HTTP->HTTPS option breaks LetsEncrypt Active Normal Bug report 8 7 years 2 months kristofferR 7 years 2 months
Default PHP version Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 2 months skelgaard 7 years 2 months
Moving domain from webmin to virtualmin Active Normal Support request 15 7 years 2 months silveringking 7 years 2 months
Removing RubyRequire from vhost config Active Normal Support request 4 7 years 2 months curtisb 7 years 2 months
separate letsencrypt cron from cron Active Normal Feature request 7 7 years 2 months george.asenov 7 years 2 months
How unexpected server processes running as domain users are configured to automatically terminate? Active Normal Support request 6 7 years 2 months yngens 7 years 2 months
Using Sub-Server Like Alias Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 2 months unsalkorkmaz 7 years 2 months
Dovecot SSL Changes Active Normal Bug report 8 7 years 2 months rsecor 7 years 2 months
BUG: Possible to make a new mail alias without a delivery address makes postfix unreliable responding Active Normal Bug report 5 7 years 2 months virtualmin3123 7 years 2 months
Regression in 'domains associated with this server" and Let's Encrypt? Active Normal Bug report 5 7 years 2 months Joe 7 years 2 months
Remove "Domain | Username | Description" header from Virtualmin CLI if there is nothing to list Active Normal Bug report 4 7 years 2 months yngens 7 years 2 months
Set maximum length for automatically generated virtual server usernames Active Normal Feature request 4 7 years 2 months yngens 8 years 5 months
Virtualmin and ConfigServer Active Normal Support request 5 7 years 2 months testdog 7 years 2 months
Redirect no longer exists /virtual-server/edit_redirect.cgi?dom=some number Active Normal Support request 7 years 2 months nilands55s 7 years 2 months
Redirect no longer exists /virtual-server/edit_redirect.cgi?dom=some number Active Normal Support request 7 years 2 months nilands55s 7 years 2 months
Redirect no longer exists /virtual-server/edit_redirect.cgi?dom=some number Active Normal Support request 7 years 2 months nilands55s 7 years 2 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers doesnot send emails Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 2 months durgesh1610 7 years 2 months
Trying to use Jailkit issue Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 2 months hescominsoon 7 years 2 months
.Cert file after let's encrypt fail to renew Active Normal Bug report 3 7 years 2 months george.asenov 7 years 2 months
Server Permissions Active Normal Support request 2 7 years 2 months mossbot 7 years 2 months
License renewal required Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 2 months sanjoseweb 7 years 2 months
upgrade ubuntu 14 to 16....better and save Active Normal Support request 7 7 years 2 months info@orderlastm... 7 years 2 months
Virtualmin GPL install scripts are shown in Virtualmin Pro Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 2 months christefano 7 years 2 months
Remove "Edit Web Content" option from UI if user has not access to File Manager Active Normal Bug report 5 7 years 2 months yngens 7 years 2 months
upgrade php and mysql Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 2 months paulfromsurrey 7 years 2 months


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