Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned tosort ascending Created
Apache hangs every two weeks after logfile rotation Active Normal Support request 12 11 years 3 months webinteractive 11 years 4 months
Server owner mailaddress + e-mail templates Active Normal Support request 3 11 years 7 months webinteractive 11 years 7 months
"Edit Virtual Server" loads forever Active Normal Bug report 4 9 years 3 months webinger 9 years 3 months
dav folder connection Active Normal Support request 3 14 years 2 months webinger 14 years 2 months
Unable to migrate MySql data from cPanel when Table name contains '/' character Active Normal Bug report 1 13 years 8 months WebDevPT 13 years 8 months
Scheduled Backups with strtfime substitution do not delete older backups Active Normal Bug report 4 3 years 3 months weaselweb 3 years 3 months
No way to Edit DNS Records when using PowerDNS plugin Active Normal Bug report 4 5 years 6 days weaselweb 5 years 2 weeks
Cant install vtiger Active Normal Bug report 1 3 years 8 months wdmarket 3 years 8 months
upload and post max file size php.ini edited but still wont work Active Normal Bug report 8 14 years 8 months wazburn 14 years 8 months
Username of "000" causes quota info display incorrectly Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 5 months watermark 9 years 5 months
--force-yes is deprecated Active Normal Bug report 2 8 years 1 week watermark 8 years 1 week
default max_allowed_packet causes restores to fail Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 6 months watermark 9 years 6 months
Let's Encrypt renew doesn't properly detect renew period Active Normal Bug report 8 7 years 4 months watermark 7 years 4 months
Validation errors when MariaDB is used Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 7 months watermark 7 years 7 months
Cannot restore backup Active Critical Support request 1 7 years 11 months warriorsdscorp 7 years 11 months
Apache appeared to hit OOM due to ungraceful restart Active Normal Bug report 5 9 years 1 week warphost 9 years 5 months
Apache redirection when browsing non-www of domain (just Active Normal Bug report 6 12 years 2 weeks warphost 12 years 2 weeks
can't acess to my virualmin Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 4 months warp 9 years 4 months
install SQLite 3 Active Normal Bug report 9 11 years 2 months warp 11 years 2 months
Proftps doesnt lock to home dir even if you select it so under Servers -> proftpd -> files and directories -> Home directory Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 10 months warhansen 7 years 10 months
How to run two independent virtulamin hosts serving the same content (for load balancing purposes) Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 6 months vutoff 9 years 6 months
New virtual servers with ssl enabled cause all other virtual servers to use the new virtual server's ssl certificate Active Normal Support request 8 7 years 5 months VuOnline 7 years 6 months
403 Forbidden for virtual server Active Normal Support request 6 6 years 8 months VuOnline 7 years 5 months
Scheduled backups always tries to backup all servers, ignores 'only backup selected' option Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 3 weeks VuOnline 7 years 3 weeks
Mysql user allowed hostname Active Normal Support request 1 7 years 7 months VuOnline 7 years 7 months
Best way to change the virtual servers home directory parent from /home to /apps (custom suexec root directory) Active Normal Support request 3 7 years 4 months VuOnline 7 years 4 months
Backing up individual sites could be easier Active Normal Feature request 2 7 years 3 weeks VuOnline 7 years 3 weeks
Mail access for users with UID 503 not permitted Active Normal Bug report 9 7 years 3 months vstoykov 7 years 4 months
The logrotate configuration for virtual servers kills nginx Active Normal Bug report 2 3 years 9 months vstoykov 3 years 9 months
"Reject incoming email with invalid DKIM signature?" not working as expected Needs review Normal Bug report 2 6 years 1 month vstoykov 7 years 2 months
DKIM not working when sending via SMTP on port 25 without authentication Active Normal Bug report 5 7 years 4 months vstoykov 7 years 4 months
copying certificate to postfix Active Normal Bug report 9 7 years 2 months vstoykov 7 years 4 months
Failed to save user : Passwords containing a backslash are not supported by MySQL Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 4 months vstoykov 7 years 4 months
Virtual servers to be written into separate config files Active Normal Feature request 8 7 years 5 months vstoykov 7 years 5 months
Nginx/SELinux problems Active Normal Bug report 1 7 years 6 months vstoykov 7 years 6 months
Newly created virtual server is not accessible (SELinux) Active Normal Bug report 4 7 years 5 months vstoykov 7 years 5 months
2 Small Issues With the Installer Active Normal Bug report 7 years 3 months volk 7 years 3 months
Add Cgroup Limit Option to Plans Active Normal Feature request 9 7 years 2 months volk 7 years 3 months
CentOS 7.3 Installation Wizard Issues Needs review Normal Bug report 1 7 years 3 months volk 7 years 4 months
ftp access for reseller? Active Normal Support request 2 14 years 6 months 14 years 6 months
License Renewal Active Normal Support request 7 10 years 8 months VMSystems 13 years 5 months
User quota's and mail delivery problems Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 9 months VMSystems 14 years 2 weeks
IMAP Extension '+' folder email addressing with Postfix and Procmail Active Normal Support request 13 10 years 11 months visionquest 10 years 11 months
DNS MX Record Active Normal Support request 3 13 years 4 months visionquest 13 years 4 months
Keep creating listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; on every new virtual server Active Major Bug report 3 8 years 5 months vishnunuk 8 years 5 months
CLI virtualmin modify-user Active Normal Bug report 22 10 years 5 months vishnunn 10 years 5 months
Multiple virtual servers resolving to incorrect FQDN Active Normal Support request 1 10 years 11 months vishal 10 years 11 months
MySQL via MariaDB on remote server - user creation fails Active Normal Support request 11 8 years 1 month VirtualNoob 8 years 2 months
Cloudmin Connect license for Virtualmin Pro Unlimited Active Normal Support request 4 8 years 2 weeks VirtualNoob 8 years 2 weeks
Virtualmin Unlimited licensing Active Normal Support request 10 8 years 1 month VirtualNoob 8 years 1 month


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