Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
FCGId problems Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 8 months tokar86a 8 years 8 months
Upgrade to MySQL 5.6 Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 8 months tokar86a 8 years 8 months
Licensing help/expired Active Normal Support request 5 8 years 8 months zignut 8 years 8 months
does not work sub server Active Major Support request 1 8 years 8 months nilesh_z 8 years 8 months
Update /Upgrade Active Normal Support request 15 8 years 8 months customerservice 8 years 8 months
install MySQL 5.7 on CentOS 5.6 or 7 Active Normal Support request 7 8 years 8 months koyecelker 8 years 8 months
Client (Virtual Server) SSL Certs with SMTPS/POPS/IMAPS Active Minor Support request 2 8 years 8 months sonoracomm 8 years 8 months
Update /Upgrade Active Critical Support request 9 8 years 8 months customerservice 8 years 8 months
Virtualmin php-fpm Active Normal Feature request 3 8 years 8 months Mostafa 10 years 2 months
new server type: server owner Active Normal Feature request 4 8 years 8 months aitte 11 years 7 months
Redmine script install? Active Major Support request 1 8 years 8 months LeGiangAnh 8 years 8 months
can't log in into the virtual server Active Critical Support request 1 8 years 8 months peter atef tawfik 8 years 8 months
Backups fail after updating to Virtualmin 5.0 Active Critical Bug report 6 8 years 8 months keesjankoster 8 years 8 months
Moving mail to an alternate server Active Normal Support request 4 8 years 8 months airshock 9 years 3 weeks
Graceful Restarts Every Few Seconds Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 8 months methownet 8 years 8 months
Allow Users to be Added for HTTP Realms on Nginx Active Normal Feature request 3 8 years 8 months pcfreak30 8 years 8 months
UI bug when using Nginx rather than Apache Active Normal Bug report 6 8 years 8 months 8 years 8 months
Installing on 32bit distro with 64bit kernel breaks packages install Active Normal Bug report 5 8 years 8 months genright 8 years 8 months
HTML5 theme not working correctly Active Normal Bug report 1 8 years 8 months starr 8 years 8 months
Install Scripts Cloning Active Normal Feature request 6 8 years 8 months pcfreak30 8 years 8 months
How to enable mysql strict mode in virtualmin Active Normal Task 1 8 years 8 months lueung 8 years 8 months
Script installer doesn't support php > 5.4 Active Normal Bug report 19 8 years 8 months Mostafa 10 years 11 months
Run PHP 5.6 and MySql 5.6 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or inline upgrade to 14.04 Active Normal Task 1 8 years 8 months rjrsinc 8 years 8 months
Umm...Where is the MySQL 5.7 support in Virtualmin? Active Critical Bug report 2 8 years 8 months richardevs 8 years 8 months
Websites are broken after upgrading Virtualmin and Packages Active Critical Bug report 1 8 years 8 months LeGiangAnh 8 years 8 months
Mail Group Active Major Support request 2 8 years 8 months bassel 8 years 8 months
Either all Options must start with + or -, or no Option may. Active Normal Bug report 3 8 years 8 months bjornhij 8 years 8 months
network problem Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 8 months bislinks 8 years 8 months
Problem with GPL installation script Active Normal Bug report 2 8 years 8 months Arvi89 8 years 8 months
PHP versions Active Normal Bug report 8 years 8 months Arvi89 8 years 8 months
Hash Sum mismatch when installing on debian testing(stretch) Active Normal Bug report 4 8 years 8 months stretch 8 years 9 months
Batch Restore from GUI does not ignore dot files Active Minor Bug report 8 years 8 months AMJones 8 years 8 months
Updating wbm-virtual-server fails! Active Normal Bug report 20 8 years 8 months Blueforce 9 years 4 months
Virtualmin Virtual Servers 5.0-1 update fails Active Normal Bug report 5 8 years 8 months Blueforce 8 years 8 months
Restore backup from 28 days ago Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 8 months DenisCroombs 8 years 8 months
ClusterFS Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 8 months parlt 8 years 8 months
MariaDB 10 Ubuntu Virtualmin Active Normal Support request 1 8 years 8 months Paragon_Solutions 8 years 8 months
My order for a renewal license is not working Active Normal Bug report 3 8 years 8 months andre@andregarz... 8 years 10 months
alias web servers not functioning Active Normal Support request 2 8 years 9 months hescominsoon 8 years 9 months
DNS Active Normal Support request 5 8 years 9 months hescominsoon 8 years 9 months
Problem with additional email accounts - emails going into spam Active Normal Bug report 15 8 years 9 months Diabolico 8 years 9 months
trouble with namecheap api Active Normal Support request 5 8 years 9 months paco46545 8 years 9 months
dovecot warnings in the mail.log Active Normal Task 5 8 years 9 months AllanIT 8 years 9 months
Customer exceeds Limit on number of databases Active Normal Bug report 10 8 years 9 months khaled 8 years 9 months
Timeout issues with firefox 43.x Active Normal Bug report 3 8 years 9 months sgrayban 8 years 9 months
Webserver returns Internal Server Error in the header Active Normal Support request 3 8 years 9 months LeGiangAnh 8 years 9 months
PHP/FastCGI HTTP 500 error after ~500 requests Active Normal Bug report 7 8 years 9 months AlReece45 12 years 11 months
SSL is not trusted on Android browsers Active Normal Support request 7 8 years 9 months LeGiangAnh 8 years 9 months
migrate virtual server Active Normal Support request 6 8 years 9 months cruiskeen 8 years 9 months
Unable to download Virtualmin repo Active Normal Bug report 3 8 years 9 months Diabolico 8 years 9 months


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