Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
No way to restore into a new name Active Normal Feature request 4 9 years 5 months Joe 9 years 5 months
BIND DNS records for new domains getting ignored. Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 5 months unsalkorkmaz 9 years 5 months
Can MediaWiki Install Script be modified to handle a shared extensions directory link? Active Normal Feature request 3 9 years 5 months Joe 9 years 5 months
How to run two independent virtulamin hosts serving the same content (for load balancing purposes) Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 5 months vutoff 9 years 5 months
Virtualmin stuck on 3.94gpl Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 5 months tomcameron 9 years 5 months
Cloning virtual server from API Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 5 months PatTzZ 9 years 5 months
Creating BIND Zone Incorrectly Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 5 months JamesSimpson 9 years 5 months
Install multiple versions of mcrypt - one for pHP 5.3 and one for pHP4 Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 5 months username9 9 years 5 months
Upgraded this morning, IMAP stopped working Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 5 months synergos 9 years 5 months
Refresh system information displays error Active Normal Bug report 26 9 years 5 months xkeywee 9 years 5 months
Gmail can not send mail - can not connect Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 5 months triadhosting 9 years 5 months
Missing image on menu Active Normal Bug report 8 9 years 5 months inteq 9 years 5 months
[BLOCKING BUG] schedule backups fail if a setting in /etc/pam.d/su is set Active Normal Bug report 13 9 years 5 months sgrayban 9 years 5 months
server transfer to another server just failed ( seems a bug after the last virtualmin update) Active Normal Bug report 11 9 years 5 months doggy101 9 years 5 months
Allowing both @ and % in email user names Active Normal Bug report 8 9 years 5 months stan 9 years 6 months
install script should install *all* dependencies Active Normal Bug report 5 9 years 5 months q7joey 9 years 5 months
Help needed in configure virtual email and domain server Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 5 months nandor 9 years 5 months
default website not working Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 5 months aztecanet 9 years 5 months
IP problems after private IP allocation Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 5 months chiareu 9 years 5 months
Virtualmin and Ubuntu 14.04 Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 5 months aztecanet 9 years 5 months
Virtualmin Upgrade Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 5 months acid 9 years 5 months
proftpd failing... repo? Active Normal Support request 5 9 years 6 months kappler0 9 years 6 months
Login failure Active Normal Bug report 6 9 years 6 months erintech 9 years 6 months
migrate email hosting only from existing Virtualmin installation to new Virtualmin installation Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 6 months SoftwareLibrarian 9 years 6 months
DMARC support with OpenDMARC? Active Normal Feature request 5 9 years 6 months rrhode 9 years 6 months
Webmin down after disabling SSLv3 Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 6 months isdahlc 9 years 6 months
Email account not reactivated after turning server email off and on Active Normal Support request 5 9 years 6 months martynw 9 years 6 months
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/libexec/webmin/acl/ line 470 & 656. Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 6 months Junon 9 years 6 months
Quotas applied to incorrect partition when fstab contains space after mount point Active Normal Feature request 1 9 years 6 months 9 years 6 months
Virtualmin Backup destinations to SSH server can't handle path with spaces Active Normal Bug report 2 9 years 6 months eiger3970 9 years 7 months
Issue with: virtualmin-register -> name Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 6 months rsecor 9 years 6 months
Virtualmin Unlimited Annual Renewal Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 6 months acid 9 years 6 months
spam and SPF Record Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 6 months paulfromsurrey 9 years 6 months
mysqli install and configure Active Normal Support request 3 9 years 6 months mtahir04july 14 years 5 months
Server does not use all memory available Active Normal Support request 8 9 years 6 months jfquestiaux 9 years 6 months
SSL Website enabled, Website disabled, Stats cannot be enabled? Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 6 months Chris_C 9 years 6 months
Show or hide custom fields depending on which template is used Active Normal Feature request 4 9 years 6 months yngens 9 years 6 months
System Information Info windows locations Active Normal Feature request 1 9 years 6 months sgrayban 9 years 6 months
when I renewing the virtualmin License I renewed for 50 domain name instead for 10 domain names Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 6 months bjakby 9 years 6 months
upgrade to centos 7 Active Normal Support request 4 9 years 6 months aaronstpierre 9 years 6 months
SSH access is not enabled for users even thought MAIL FTP & SSH is selected Active Normal Support request 8 9 years 6 months sparticle 9 years 6 months
Lock bad password attemps Active Normal Support request 2 9 years 6 months starr 9 years 6 months
Issues with TLS | Copy SSL to Dovecot, Postfix Active Normal Support request 5 9 years 6 months 7stars 9 years 7 months
Visible Quota request Active Normal Feature request 1 9 years 6 months sgrayban 9 years 6 months
Cannot change FTP User Password Active Normal Support request 1 9 years 6 months rthomas 9 years 6 months
MX-records created only on second attempt to enable Mail Active Normal Bug report 3 9 years 6 months yngens 9 years 7 months
How to create a cron job from php from virtual server Active Normal Support request 8 9 years 7 months PatTzZ 9 years 7 months
Passwords Active Normal Feature request 3 9 years 7 months Arvi89 9 years 7 months
Configure Webmin to send an e-mail notification if Postfix mail queue reaches certain threshold Active Normal Feature request 4 9 years 7 months yngens 9 years 7 months
License issue Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months peo 9 years 7 months


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