Submitted by nandor on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 04:11
Hi there,
Does anyone know a manual how to install virtual domain and email server in Ubuntu 14.04. I'm struggling with it a while ago, as there are lots of manuls but always missing something or are for older Ubuntu. I'd like to use virtualmin and webmin with my 5 domain.
If you know a good and usable (working) manual how to configure virtualmin and webmin in Ubuntu 14.04 then please share it with me.
Thank you, Nandor
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 09:55 Comment #1
Howdy -- what problem are you seeing on Ubuntu 14.04? Are you receiving an error of some kind?
That is one of our Grade A supported OS/versions, so getting that up and running should just be a matter of running the script on a freshly installed version of that distribution.