migrate email hosting only from existing Virtualmin installation to new Virtualmin installation

I have three existing Virtualmin installations where virtual servers have been set up to provide both web and email services. I'm setting up three new Virtualmin installations tailored for only providing email services - no web, no ftp, no dbs, etc.. I want to move only the email services for each of the domains i host, one at a time when the (should be short anyway) downtime can be reasonably scheduled. It's my expectation that I can use the backup/restore processes - the salient if naive question is: at the backup stage, which features do I select so that I'm copying only e-mail-related items? All DNS is external and I'm clear about what I need to do there after each domain is 'restored' on its email-only server. Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide.



To just copy across mail-related settings, you should only need to backup the home directory and email features - assuming that you mail users don't have access to any MySQL databases.