Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Repliessort descending Last updated Assigned to Created
Users Passwords after Restore Active Normal Support request 15 13 years 4 months izoox 13 years 4 months
Dovecot SNI SSL Certificates Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 15 4 years 6 months rsecor 4 years 6 months
Moving domain from webmin to virtualmin Active Normal Support request 15 7 years 1 week silveringking 7 years 1 week
mcrypt Centos 6 Active Normal Support request 15 12 years 11 months responsiveny 12 years 11 months
Fast Quadcore turns into a snail overnight Active Normal Support request 15 7 years 7 months securewebs 7 years 7 months
Clam AV Update Problem Active Critical Support request 15 3 years 3 months PaliGap 8 years 3 months
After VM upgrade, it restarts with proftpd enabled Active Normal Bug report 15 13 years 7 months k3mist 15 years 1 day
Ruby on Rails w/ RubyGems Active Normal Support request 15 14 years 9 months clwheatley 15 years 8 months
Re-Check License Active Normal Support request 15 10 years 12 months wewer 11 years 6 days
Changing password failed Active Normal Bug report 15 13 years 6 months RyanJohnson 13 years 7 months
SPAM Delivery and Filtering Rules Active Normal Support request 15 5 years 4 months sonoracomm 13 years 11 months
Edit Users - Mail Quota Unlimited Active Normal Support request 15 12 years 2 months dyolduz 12 years 2 months
Fronting Virtualmin/Apache with Nginx (a la Plesk, but better) Needs review Normal Support request 15 7 years 3 months Lucian 7 years 8 months
Virtualmin breaking fcgid Active Major Support request 15 6 years 11 months AskewDread 8 years 2 months
Let's Encrypt certificate failure Active Normal Support request 15 4 years 12 months craigh 5 years 1 day
A new is pointing to an instead of! Active Normal Support request 15 9 years 4 months bislinks 9 years 4 months
Apache shutdown every Sunday Active Normal Support request 15 5 years 6 months methownet 13 years 10 months
mail issues after server migration from cpanel Needs work Normal Support request 15 7 years 10 months shykot 7 years 10 months
Apache2 and mod_php Active Normal Bug report 15 8 years 6 months pcfreak30 10 years 4 months
install script error on Debian 9, /etc/network/interfaces not there Active Normal Bug report 15 5 years 2 months Nico94 6 years 9 months
Centralized Control Panel - Decentralized Services Active Normal Feature request 15 11 years 8 months tpnsolutions 14 years 8 months
TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 checkboxes missing Active Normal Feature request 15 4 years 5 days signet 8 years 5 months
Centos Update error: unpacking of archive failed on file /var/mail: cpio: rename Active Normal Support request 15 12 years 1 week pete007 12 years 2 weeks
Mass-restore failing: When saving restoring all sites at once, alias-sites try to get restored before aliased one Active Normal Bug report 15 14 years 11 months beat 14 years 11 months
BUG+Solution: Nginx module site-config backup/edit/delete chews up configs Active Normal Bug report 15 11 years 2 months aitte 11 years 2 months
ClamAV fails to scan emails: probable issue with streaming mode Active Normal Bug report 15 13 years 10 months Locutus 13 years 10 months
Update /Upgrade Active Normal Support request 15 8 years 7 months customerservice 8 years 7 months
CentOS 7 Postfix not working (settings look wrong) Active Normal Bug report 15 8 years 7 months Brook 9 years 1 month
Server Restore to newer version Active Normal Support request 15 11 years 7 months methownet 11 years 11 months
is it possible to disable autoconfig of mail some domains only Active Normal Support request 15 7 years 6 months mmoxnes 7 years 7 months
Seeing error when opening webmail such as roundcube and squirrelmail Active Normal Support request 15 12 years 11 months timmy 12 years 11 months
BUG in /var/lib/bind/ Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 15 4 years 9 months Rory Bremner 5 years 2 months
/bin/php-cgi uses too much CPU Active Normal Support request 15 9 years 2 weeks LeGiangAnh 9 years 3 weeks
Backup to AWS S3 fails Active Normal Bug report 16 4 years 7 months tarnschaf 9 years 4 months
Force dns zone transfer Active Normal Support request 16 14 years 3 months tbirnseth 14 years 3 months
mysql error while backing up virtual servers Active Normal Support request 16 9 years 9 months username9 9 years 9 months
Forced "Require all granted" Active Normal Bug report 16 9 years 2 weeks RyanJohnson 9 years 7 months
Account quota enforcement on mysql file-level halts entire mysql server Active Normal Bug report 16 13 years 9 months beat 14 years 8 months
Unable to login to virtualmin on port 10000 using IP Active Normal Support request 16 9 years 6 hours bislinks 9 years 1 day
Let's Encrypt invalid agreement Active Critical Bug report 16 6 years 6 months ronnikc 8 years 1 month
Centos 8 Virtualmin installation script fail Active Normal Bug report 16 3 years 7 months peloton 4 years 6 months
Website and PHP options gone Active Normal Bug report 16 6 years 8 months daniel 6 years 8 months
DKIM was enabled by default but was not working Needs work Normal Support request 16 4 years 4 months thedaemexco 4 years 5 months
Migrating from Apache to NGINX, possible limitations Active Normal Support request 16 5 years 3 months JEMEDIACORP 5 years 6 months
User over quota, not receiving e-mail Active Normal Support request 16 12 years 10 months webinteractive 12 years 11 months
cloud backup Active Normal Feature request 16 7 years 4 months edwardsmarkf 9 years 2 weeks
Migration from CentOS 5.6 to Scientific Linux 6.1 Active Normal Bug report 16 13 years 2 weeks helpmin 13 years 3 weeks
fgcid errors Active Normal Support request 16 8 years 11 months paul.kelly 9 years 1 month
error recieving emails Active Normal Support request 16 13 years 6 months AskewDread 13 years 6 months
git permissions Active Normal Support request 16 10 years 7 months dolesec 10 years 7 months


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