Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Categorysort ascending Replies Last updated Assigned to Created
default website not working Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 7 months aztecanet 9 years 7 months
BUG in /var/lib/bind/ Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 15 4 years 9 months Rory Bremner 5 years 2 months
Umm...Where is the MySQL 5.7 support in Virtualmin? Active Critical Bug report 2 8 years 7 months richardevs 8 years 7 months
Bind Issues when disabling websites. Active Normal Bug report 2 7 years 4 weeks DonPeek 7 years 1 month
google analytics (vm 3.88) Active Normal Bug report 1 12 years 9 months helpmin 12 years 9 months
Problem with restore.. Active Normal Bug report 10 9 years 5 months DonPeek 9 years 6 months
letsencrypt Chain issues: Incorrect order, Extra certs Active Normal Bug report 11 7 years 3 months stretch 7 years 9 months
Welcome email to reseller CC'd instead of being BCC'd Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 4 4 years 10 months craigh 4 years 10 months
Domain Drop Down disappears after adding 80th domain on 100 site license. Active Normal Bug report 3 14 years 10 months planetlogic 14 years 10 months
non-consistent behavioud serving default.php at the web site root. Active Normal Bug report 1 11 years 7 months kdani 11 years 7 months
CentOS 6 32 bit Virtualmin GPL autoinstallation failed Active Normal Bug report 2 12 years 7 months secret 12 years 7 months
Error after submitting (Error - File not found) Active Normal Bug report 1 9 years 5 months xsoft 9 years 5 months
new virtual domain creation FAILS at DNS setup portion! Active Normal Bug report 14 13 years 7 months HarryZink 13 years 7 months
Virtualmin Filemanager bugreport / feature request Active Normal Bug report 5 4 years 9 months Mostafa 7 years 8 months
Dovecot IMAP / POP3 Server stops without reason Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 4 months alstam 4 years 4 months
APACHE SSL Problem Active Major Bug report 5 8 years 3 months basil1 8 years 4 months
creation of scheduled cron job assigns wrong user:group Active Normal Bug report 5 6 years 6 months pieterG 6 years 6 months


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