Issues for Virtualmin Virtual Servers

Summary Status Priority Category Replies Last updated Assigned to Createdsort descending
Php versions and rewrite mod Active Normal Support request 2 4 years 3 months alstam 4 years 3 months
backups and restores failing Fixed (pending) Normal Support request 5 4 years 2 months hescominsoon 4 years 3 months
Let's Encrypt fails when requesting SSL certificate Active Normal Support request 1 4 years 3 months justinromack 4 years 3 months
Migrate custom DNS records from Cpanel? Active Normal Support request 3 4 years 3 months alstam 4 years 3 months
Request SSL certificate error because domain resolves to another ip Active Normal Support request 1 4 years 3 months alstam 4 years 3 months
Configuring Csf to protect wordpress virtual servers - Fail to ban high CPU loads Active Normal Support request 5 4 years 3 months alstam 4 years 3 months
Dovecot IMAP / POP3 Server stops without reason Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 3 months alstam 4 years 3 months
SSL certification request with Let's Encrypt fails for mail.domain.tld although the mail feature is disabled on virtual server creation Active Normal Bug report 2 4 years 2 months dblatner 4 years 3 months
Ion Cube Fixed (pending) Normal Support request 22 4 years 2 months haaser 4 years 3 months
Deleting & Recreating a Virtual Server with same Admin name & Domain leads to socket connection failure Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 11 3 years 7 months gb.123 4 years 3 months
Installation Error - Unable to locate package virtualmin-core Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 3 months ragavanaravind223 4 years 3 months
Problem with mail account sign in from google. Copy this domain's SSL certificate as the default for the chosen service cannot save Active Normal Support request 7 3 years 6 months alstam 4 years 3 months
Mail going to spam - Cannot save postfix mail server settings Active Normal Support request 3 4 years 3 months alstam 4 years 3 months
DKIM removal ordering not right when renaming a domain Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 1 4 years 2 months beat 4 years 3 months
Email Deliver-ability DKIM Body Hash Did Not Verify Active Normal Support request 1 4 years 2 months alstam 4 years 3 months
API to cover dkim etc Active Normal Feature request 6 4 years 2 months Lucian 4 years 2 months
Auto server recovery Active Normal Feature request 4 4 years 2 months alstam 4 years 2 months
Error during webmin-virtual-server (6.09 pro) upgrade Needs review Normal Bug report 5 4 years 2 months hregis 4 years 2 months
virtualmin do not copy intermediate CA into dovecot certs Active Normal Bug report 2 4 years 2 months 4 years 2 months
installing php modules Active Normal Support request 1 4 years 2 months haaser 4 years 2 months
CentOS 8 troubles with detecting DHCP IP on eth0 Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 2 months Lucian 4 years 2 months
update httpd rpm in virtualmin GPL repo Active Normal Support request 5 3 years 8 months verne 4 years 2 months
Virtualmin doesn't start/stop Dovecot properly Active Normal Bug report 7 4 years 2 months Lucian 4 years 2 months
check-config disables quota Active Normal Bug report 3 4 years 2 months lulatsch66 4 years 2 months
Suggestion: an overview/summary in Virtualmin of the full mail settings for each domain Fixed (pending) Normal Feature request 4 4 years 1 month OliverF 4 years 2 months
PHP Versions menu page, 2 minor bug reports Active Normal Bug report 2 4 years 2 months OliverF 4 years 2 months
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate Active Normal Support request 2 4 years 2 months bislinks 4 years 2 months
Feature req: Disable PHP altogether (for static sites) Active Normal Feature request 1 4 years 2 months Lucian 4 years 2 months
Cannot SSL certs for Active Normal Support request 5 4 years 2 months bislinks 4 years 2 months
milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE when using milter-greylist Active Normal Support request 4 4 years 2 months websmurf 4 years 2 months
Your Postfix configuration is missing the system's mail hostname Active Normal Support request 1 4 years 2 months flyn4x4 4 years 2 months
CAA records are not compatible with Bind 9.9.5 on Debian 8 Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 8 4 years 1 week nodo50 4 years 2 months
Webmin fails to start if user rename virtualhost with already created SSL certificates and delete it after Active Normal Bug report 2 4 years 1 month Murz 4 years 2 months
TLSA records not auto-created for additional subdomains and not all existing ones are updated when the Let's Encrypt SSL certificate is renewed Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 11 4 years 1 month beat 4 years 1 month
SuExec Active Normal Support request 4 4 years 1 month bislinks 4 years 1 month
Perl CGI error Active Normal Support request 9 4 years 1 week bislinks 4 years 1 month
MySQL and virtual domain quota limit Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 1 month mastermind 4 years 1 month
Dovecot SSL issues - Intermediate certificates Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 1 month nfz300zx 4 years 1 month
unable to start/restart PHP-FPM server Active Normal Support request 8 4 years 1 month bislinks 4 years 1 month
RAM full when restoring virtual server backup Active Normal Bug report 7 4 years 1 month markkuit 4 years 1 month
Help bubble in Templates has bad link to SPF homepage Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 1 4 years 1 month WNYmathGuy 4 years 1 month
Let's Encrypt Renewal Triggers Apache Crash Active Normal Support request 9 3 years 3 months mile6-anthony 4 years 3 weeks
Error reloading postgresql db from backup when name includes dots like a domain name Active Normal Bug report 4 years 3 weeks rizzopablo 4 years 3 weeks
RFC1035 TTL semantics dnssec-signzone: fatal: An NSEC3 chain exists with a different salt. Use -u to update it. Active Normal Support request 1 4 years 3 weeks fesoto 4 years 3 weeks
Convert from DNS/Web/Mail to DNS/Mail lets certs expire in dovecot.conf Fixed (pending) Normal Bug report 4 3 years 5 months DaveOverton 4 years 3 weeks
WHMCS error when provisioning a reseller & Error 500 when submitting a ticket through Virtualmin Active Normal Support request 5 4 years 3 weeks thedaemexco 4 years 3 weeks
Incorrect RAM resources reported in the dashboard Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 3 weeks OliverF 4 years 3 weeks
Reseller API? Active Normal Support request 7 3 years 12 months thedaemexco 4 years 2 weeks
Loss of user data in admin panel Active Normal Bug report 1 4 years 1 week uinfor 4 years 1 week
Installing dependencies and system packages Fixed (pending) Normal Support request 11 4 years 1 week ogautier 4 years 1 week


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