
Upgrading Virtualmin Software

Upgrading via the Virtualmin UI

When a new version is available, you will see a message on the System Information page stating that there are Virtualmin package updates available.

Other packages may be listed too, depending on what is available to be updated. To install these updates, just click the Install All Updates Now button.

Upgrading from the command line

Installing all available updates can be done with the following command on RHEL/CentOS:

yum update

Or, on Debian/Ubuntu:

How to log into Usermin Webmail

In this tutorial, we will go over how to log into the Usermin Webmail interface.

  1. Open your web browser, such as Firefox or Internet Explorer.

  2. In the address bar at the top of your browser, browse to the following address:

    Where is your server's domain name.

  3. Once you have entered the address above, hit enter to go to the Usermin Login screen.

  4. Enter the username you were given in the Username field.

Virtual Server Basics (virtual servers, sub-servers, aliases)

This tutorial covers Virtual Servers, Sub-Servers, and Aliases.

Virtual Server -- a Virtual Server is an account in Virtualmin, that includes a website, email, and FTP access all associated with a domain name. Virtual Servers have an administrator account called the Virtual Server Owner. The Virtual Server Owner can create additional email addresses, ftp accounts, and websites, subject to the limits set by the Reseller or Master Administrator who created the Virtual Server.

Account Basics in Virtualmin

This tutorial covers the various kinds of accounts available in Virtualmin.

Master Administrator -- this is the root user of the system. The root user has rights to manage any aspect of the server.

Reseller -- this user is created by the Master Administrator. They have rights to create Virtual Servers accounts for other users. Reseller accounts are a feature only available in Virtualmin Pro.

How to use Usermin webmail

This tutorial will offer some tips how to use the Usermin webmail system. Usermin allows users to check their email from a web browser, such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.

First, you'll want to log into Usermin.

Using Email

  • To compose a new message, you can click the Compose button at the top of the page.

  • To read a message, click the senders name in the From field.

Navigating Virtualmin

This tutorial will cover some basics on how to navigate Virtualmin.

It assumes you have first [logged into Virtualmin](/documentation/tutorial/how-to-log-in).

Virtualmin is divided into two panes, the left menu pane and the right content pane. The most common operations have menu items in the left menu.

How to create a virtual server alias

This tutorial covers how to create an alias for an existing Virtual Server.

If you have a Virtual Server such as, setting up an alias would allow you to have point to the same website, and share the same email addresses.

It assumes you have first logged into Virtualmin.

  1. First, choose the domain you for which you would like to add the Virtual Server Alias. You can do that by selecting the domain name from the drop-down box on the top-left.


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