Minor feedback regarding the database backup page in Virtualmin

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#1 Tue, 02/23/2016 - 19:14

Minor feedback regarding the database backup page in Virtualmin


Minor feedback about virtualmin. Nothing big.

It suddenly struck me, when we're in that virtualmin menu...
Virtualmin > management of a domain > (left column) Edit Databases > (click a database name) > Manage Database > Backup Database

... We end up on a page that is fully functional, save ONE small thing: the confirmation buttons in the end are, when you think of it, kinda confusing.

I mean, either of them, wouldn't they mean that we're going to save the database, actually, right ? It's what we were here for, weren't we ?

I *understand** the idea, but, maybe, a renaming might remove potential misunderstandings among some users.

Kind regards!

Wed, 02/24/2016 - 10:53


The "Save" button refers to the schedule above... what are you thinking, something along the lines of "Save Schedule" or "Create Schedule"?

It strikes me that when creating a Virtual Server backup in Backup and Restore -> Scheduled Backups, that it uses "Create Schedule" as well, so maybe that'd be a good way to keep things consistent.


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