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Minor feedback about virtualmin. Nothing big.
It suddenly struck me, when we're in that virtualmin menu...
Virtualmin > management of a domain > (left column) Edit Databases > (click a database name) > Manage Database > Backup Database
... We end up on a page that is fully functional, save ONE small thing: the confirmation buttons in the end are, when you think of it, kinda confusing.
I mean, either of them, wouldn't they mean that we're going to save the database, actually, right ? It's what we were here for, weren't we ?
I *understand** the idea, but, maybe, a renaming might remove potential misunderstandings among some users.
Kind regards!
The "Save" button refers to the schedule above... what are you thinking, something along the lines of "Save Schedule" or "Create Schedule"?
It strikes me that when creating a Virtual Server backup in Backup and Restore -> Scheduled Backups, that it uses "Create Schedule" as well, so maybe that'd be a good way to keep things consistent.