Hi since the latest upgrade I have had problems with services not starting at boot ... so I went to the webmin module and saw loads of things not started but should be .. I thought this one was good
this shows webmin not running even though it is ... other affected scripts include clamd & spamassassin
Virtualmin version:
Webmin version:
We expected this to be fixed but it appears that it's still an issue with Webmin 1.972.
Jamie, I remember you mentioned that you were fixing it -- was that related?
What Webmin version was installed before that? Which worked, I mean.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 19:55 Comment #3
Is it just Webmin's own bootup action you're seeing this for?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 03/03/2021 - 20:09 Comment #4
OK I see what's causing the issue with the webmin init script, and have a fix for the next release.
as stated in the original post spamassassin & clamd are affected also
How does your
file look like?