Fail when trying to migrate to a new server

Following this guide

Backup is succeeding and scp copy to new server is ok

But when trying to restore the virtual domains on the new server it fails with the below

root@ns ~/backups # virtualmin restore-domain --source /root/backups/ --all-domains --all-features Failed to read backup file : /root/backups// : Not a valid tar or tar.gz file

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- hmm, are you able to open the .tar.bz2 archive on the remote server?

Also, what is the output of this command:

file /root/backups//

root@ns ~/backups # file /root/backups// /root/backups// bzip2 compressed data, block size = 900k root@ns ~/backups #

And yes I can open them


Reinstalled pbzip2 now works ok