Hi there,
I have made a huge mistake, in the webmin configuration, I changed the ipv4 address of the eth0 device from to and now I am stuck out of the system, I cannot even access it via ssh.
I have managed to attach the root storage volume that VIrtualmin was installed on, to another computer so I can change the configuration files. Where may I find the configuration file that was changed when i changed the ipv4 address? I looked in /etc/network/interfaces but could not find anything to do with The system is ubuntu 16.04.
Thank you so much for your time, this is a bit of a disaster for me!
Kind Regards, Laurence
Ok so I have regained ssh access, however, I am still unable to access virtualmin. The webpage just says the page took too long.
Is there a command line I can run to change the webmin configuration?
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 10/06/2016 - 08:11 Comment #2
Howdy -- since you're able to access the system using SSH, what you could always try is to restart Webmin.
To do that, run this command here as root:
service webmin restart
After that, are you able to access Webmin/Virtualmin?
No unfortunately that has not fixed the problem. It has change something though, because the page does load but it just says welcome to JBoss.
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 10/06/2016 - 10:22 Comment #4
Webmin and Virtualmin don't actually use jBoss though, they're a Perl app that runs on port 10000.
Can you confirm that it's port 10000 that's being accessed?
Also, what is the output of these commands:
iptables -L -n
netstat -an | grep :10000