Fail2ban server module is under constant update, but the webmin version is still using the old version 8.xx something, I assume this is mainly due to the fact that new version would require gui changes on the webmin side? i think Fail2ban is an important module from security point of view..
Know you guys have loads to do/support but it will be good to see some love shown to this module. think this is most important feature virtualmin has, as compared to competitors.. when there is an intrusion, this is so handy..i love seeing those ips being banned..
we need to take this further..potentially webmin server client kind of module. something in line of centralised anti spam/ antivirus/ fail2ban..
see this example, pretty cool.
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 05:36 Pro Licensee Comment #1
sorry my bad, version 8.11 is last version for 14.04. , but somehow it does not work or i am not sure if its properly configured. along with the firewal module.. its indeed confusing.
meanwhile i am evaluating this
any inputs or references would help.
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 09:55 Comment #2
Yeah as you saw, Virtualmin just installs the latest version available to your distro.
You mentioned that it's not working properly -- what problem is it that you're seeing when installing that version?
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 10:32 Pro Licensee Comment #3
I have been testing it with iptables, and i am not sure if this is behaving like it should.
for example: the default iptable rule put in place by webmin are applied.. then if i apply fail2ban server.. it removes all the rules from kernel memory and aplies its own.. for example all the ban IP of SSH from logs. somehow i get a feeling that the jails or actions fail2ban is applying is clearing all the rules in place.. i think i need to get my head around this..
What I do with f2b is install the module via webmin then run through this howto and all works tickety boo.
If I install just via that howto though the f2b module area does not show in webmin, still works but no gui in webmin.
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Wed, 08/10/2016 - 12:58 Pro Licensee Comment #5
ok, seems to be something very minor.. But its very important to shutdown fail2ban server.. before you make changes to the rules. or else it tends to flush all the iptable rules which in place.. you dont want that to happen.. going to test it further.. by the way, people interested on running latest version of fail2ban on ubuntu 14.04 , i found a backport from here and am running it on one of my server..
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 13:45 Pro Licensee Comment #6