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I was wondering if it might be a good idea to give more spam filtering options, like choosing between SpamAssassin & dspam. Some people swear by dspam, others by SpamAssassin . Or other spam assassin channels. I recently implemented OpenProtect's SpamAssassin sa-update channel, and it seems to be working wonders. I keep bringing up spam topics because it has become a huge issue on my servers. Would be nice to have something out of the box that took care of spam effectively.
Or possibly an additional configuration option in spam assassin to include additional sa-update channels right in the webmin interface.
Just saw this old message. I would be one of those who swear by dspam. What I find is this after running for years. dspam never gives me a false positive, never! However, rarely, it misses real spam.
So, we use a combo dspam and spamassassin system.
dspam is *very* good.