Today I noticed that the command breaks/splits at the end of the command and a few characters from the splitted part gets inserted in teh "input to command" field. This was the first time I used the option "Only run from" and did not understand why my command did break when I saved the cron job. Another job with almost the same command was fine, the whole command was in the "Command" field, I tried to copy-paste the code in the job that breaks the command, and it did brake again... then I changed the option to "Run on any date" and saved, and now the command is ok.
To be sure that the "Only run from" was the reason I changed back to that again and saved the job, and yes, the command did break again.
Operating system: CentOS Linux 5.11, Webmin version: 1.740, Virtualmin version: 4.15
Best regards, Leffe
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 22:46 Comment #1
Can you post the actual command that you are trying to run? The crontab file uses % as a separator between a command and its input, so if your command actually contains the % character it may break this.
Submitted by Blueforce on Fri, 03/27/2015 - 02:41 Pro Licensee Comment #2
Hi Jamie
Yes the command contains %, the last part of the command is:
date + %Y%m%d
But the strange thing is that it only break when I change "Date range to execute" to "Only run from". The command does NOT break when the option is set to "Run on any date".
I use the % character in other cron job commands and they work without breaking. All working jobs have "Date range to execute" set to "Run on any date".
Can you please tell me how the above line should look in the command field without breaking, as it does ONLY with option "Only run from"
EDIT I cant paste the command here, something "cleans" it up, even if I use the code tags, I only paste the part containing the % now.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 03/27/2015 - 17:08 Comment #3
Ok, I see the bug that causes this - it will be fixed in the next Webmin release.
Submitted by Blueforce on Fri, 03/27/2015 - 18:01 Pro Licensee Comment #4
Regards, Leffe
Submitted by Issues on Fri, 04/10/2015 - 18:10 Comment #5
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.