Dear guys, hi!
I was working on Authentic theme recently and found out that in some modules, for example Webmin->Backup Configuration Files (in Backup Now/Restore now) colspan attribute is not calculated correctly , this is why some borders on the table in my theme disappears. If you manually manipulate DOM (like change colspan), then the borders appear.
I would like to submit it as a bug and would like to ask you to fix it. I could make a patch on the theme itself - but this is just wrong, doing it. :))
One more thing, is that javascript (hidden_opener) function that makes Accordion open/close requires few extra clicks (like when the Accordion is open, you click on it, it closes just fine, but then click one more time and expecting it's going to be opened but it will want you to click one more time). If you do it more than once, then it works as expected all the way - like an old bike (needs lubrication :D)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 09/25/2014 - 19:01 Comment #1
That sounds like something we should fix. Where exactly do the incorrect colspans appear though?
Jamie, hello. It took a while to go through all the modules I use to figure out.
Please see my obvious examples in attached screenshots.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 09/26/2014 - 15:16 Comment #3
Ok, I see what you mean now - I will fix this in the next Webmin release.
And one more, just remembered:
Bugs: Webmin Configuration->Edit Categories. Doesn't submit the form! Please check. For sure not for other category. Used to work though, I think.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 09/26/2014 - 18:26 Comment #5
That form works OK for me - does it also fail for you in the default theme?
Yes it does. With all themes even after downgrading/updating Webmin (1.700/1.701).
I have renamed Other to Tools. Just for testing purposes tried to Call it Toolssss but it never worked, always was saying 1.700
Failed to save categories : Missing description for other
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 09/27/2014 - 11:36 Comment #7
Ok, I see the cause of that now - it will be fixed in the next release of Webmin.
Thanks! :)
Could you please not to forget to upload webmin rpms to Webmin repo, as for instance, there is no Webmin 1.701 on Webmin repos but only on Virtualmin.
P.S. Perl is different than PHP but all look a like in the end..
Submitted by Issues on Sat, 10/11/2014 - 11:47 Comment #9
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.