Perl modules

I was checking PERL modules install and found that Webmin recommends install a list of certain modules:

I have all of them but few are NOT installed: IO::Pty and Sys::Syslog?

What are those modules for? Sys::Syslog has nothing to do with actual Syslog performance on my system, right? I can tell Syslog is functioning correctly on my system? What is IO::Pty module should be installed for?

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- the installer handles installing all the dependencies you'd need. You shouldn't be missing any Perl modules that would provide a significant benefit.

The Sys::Syslog module allows you to perform logging via the Syslog daemon, rather than using Webmin's normal logging mechanism.

The IO::Pty module is helpful if Webmin was configured to call sudo prior to commands it executes. You don't need that though, as Webmin runs as root.

Those aren't normally needed though, and are just for folks doing some things that are out of the ordinary.