License expired, new upgrade not recognized

hello I just bought a new license there the old one was expired. The new license isn't recognized. This problem happens every time. Can you check this for me?

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- which license number would you like to apply that to?

It appears as if there's a Cloudmin 10 and a Virtualmin Unlimited associated with this particular account; if you have a Virtualmin 250, it's possible that it's associated with a different account.

mlkoekenberg's picture
Submitted by mlkoekenberg on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 07:08


I selected 250... Is that possible to downgrade it? I'll also have to renew the cloudmin these days (and virtualmin again in october)


No problem, I changed your license to a Virtualmin 250, and applied your renewal. Thanks for renewing!

mlkoekenberg's picture
Submitted by mlkoekenberg on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 08:39

Right now i've my own hardware. I gonna swap to virtual servers. Can u migrate my cloudmin account to a physical server only version?

During the migration I'll use 2 virtualmin environments and 2 cloudmin environments.

Martin Koekenberg

No problem! It looks like your Cloudmin license is expired, but I did change it to be a Cloudmin for Physical Servers license.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

mlkoekenberg's picture
Submitted by mlkoekenberg on Mon, 09/17/2012 - 09:28

I've an other returning problem. I'll open a new issue for it.