Resellers can´t create new virtual servers


Since the last update our resellers can´t modify quotas from first created account.

Error message: "Failed to modify server : The server quota cannot be set to more than your reseller maximum remaining of ..."

Because of this they can´t create new virtual servers since the last Virtualmin update. We are running CentOS Linux 5.5 with Virtualmin version 3.82 Pro.

The error message is: "Failed to create virtual server : The server quota cannot be set to more than your reseller maximum remaining of Unlimited".

Thanks alot.



Sounds like a bug ..

What quota limits does this reseller actually have set?

I too am having a problem with resellers not able to add new virtual servers with the same error message:

Failed to create virtual server : The server quota cannot be set to more than your reseller maximum remaining of Unlimited.

I can add the accounts on my end for the reseller, but is there a fix for this?


webwzrd - what quota limit does the reseller who is having the problem have?


Please see attached screenshot.


I presume this was top-level virtual server you are creating?

I did several tests, and was unable to re-produce this bug..

Yes, top level. Would you like admin access, or even access to one of my reseller accounts?

Admin access would be very useful for debugging this - you can use our support login feature, or send email to me at

Sent via support login feature.

Ok, I have tracked down a bug that appears to cause this in the case where a reseller's domains have sub-servers, and applied a fix on your system.

Could you try creating a domain now as a reseller, and let me know if it works?

You're a good man Jamie. All is well now!

Thank you, Brian

Excellent! This fix will be in Virtualmin 3.84.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.