upgrade webmin button missing

i did a new installation of webmin/virtualmin with the GPL install.sh script. After the install i recognize the webmin version is not up2date but i can't find the "upgrade webmin" button in the "Webmin Configuration" menu.

In the virtualmin Virtualmin Package Updates:

Updatable package information Package name webmin Update system APT Package description A web-based administration interface for Unix systems. Current state Running latest 1.517 Installed version 1.517 Available version 1.517 Installation source Virtualmin

as i know 1.520 is the latest version, how can i upgrade?

thanks Lawrence

Closed (fixed)


Actually, 1.517 is the most recent version available for Debian. So your system is setup and working properly :-)

I'm passing this along to Joe, who should be able to comment on whether Webmin 1.520 should be in the Debian (and Ubuntu) repository or not.

Looks like 1.520 is in the i386 repo, but only 1.517 is in the amd64 repo.

The work-around if you want a quick fix is to manually install 1.520 with the commands :

cd /tmp
wget "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.520_all.deb"
dpkg --install webmin_1.520_all.deb

ok thanks. it can be closed i think.