E-mail encoding in "Email message to send upon server creation".

It's immposible to set appropriate encoding for "System Settings" -> "Server Templates", "Mail for domain" and "Email message to send upon server creation".

I want to use iso-8859-2 in a message body but i don't see where i could configure that. There is:

# email_template_input(template-file, subject, other-cc, other-bcc,
# [mailbox-cc, owner-cc, reseller-cc], [header],[filemode])
# Returns HTML for fields for editing an email template
sub email_template_input

in virtual-server/virtual-server-lib-funcs.pl.

It seems that the email_template_input can take "[header]" parameter but... in virtual-server/feature-mail.pl
there is subroutine show_template_mail, where email_template_input subroutine is used

&email_template_input(undef, $tmpl->{'mail_subject'}, $tmpl->{'mail_cc'}, $tmpl->{'mail_bcc'})

but the header parameter is not passed at all. Is it possible to somehow set the specified encoding?

Closed (fixed)


One hack solution would be to change the global language in Virtualmin to one that uses the iso-8859-2 character set, such as Polish. This is then used as the character set in all email Virtualmin sends.

Alternately, you can force a character set without changing the language by adding the following line to /etc/webmin/config :


Let us know if that helps..

Yup. Adding "charset=iso-8859-2" into "/etc/webmin/config" helped. Thanks a lot!

Ok .. that's probably the best solution then.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.