It's immposible to set appropriate encoding for "System Settings" -> "Server Templates", "Mail for domain" and "Email message to send upon server creation".
I want to use iso-8859-2 in a message body but i don't see where i could configure that. There is:
# email_template_input(template-file, subject, other-cc, other-bcc,
# [mailbox-cc, owner-cc, reseller-cc], [header],[filemode])
# Returns HTML for fields for editing an email template
sub email_template_input
in virtual-server/
It seems that the email_template_input can take "[header]" parameter but... in virtual-server/
there is subroutine show_template_mail, where email_template_input subroutine is used
&email_template_input(undef, $tmpl->{'mail_subject'}, $tmpl->{'mail_cc'}, $tmpl->{'mail_bcc'})
but the header parameter is not passed at all. Is it possible to somehow set the specified encoding?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 13:01 Comment #1
One hack solution would be to change the global language in Virtualmin to one that uses the iso-8859-2 character set, such as Polish. This is then used as the character set in all email Virtualmin sends.
Alternately, you can force a character set without changing the language by adding the following line to /etc/webmin/config :
Let us know if that helps..
Submitted by expro on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 16:23 Comment #2
Yup. Adding "charset=iso-8859-2" into "/etc/webmin/config" helped. Thanks a lot!
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 07/09/2009 - 23:55 Comment #3
Ok .. that's probably the best solution then.
Submitted by Issues on Fri, 07/24/2009 - 01:18 Comment #4
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.